- Please close all references to the media. 请关闭该媒体的所有参考项。
- All references to his privacy were edited out of the tape. 录音带上涉及到他私生活的内容统统都给删去了。
- The authoress has edited out all references to her own family. 女作家将所有涉及其家族的内容全删掉。
- Replace all references to that temp with the expression. 将所有对该变量的引用动作,替换为对它赋值的那个表达式自身。
- The author has edited out all references to his own family. 作者已将涉及他自己家庭之处的文字删掉了。
- The auther has edited out all references to his own family. 作者已将涉及他自己家庭之处剔除。
- This is possible because all references are the same size. 之所以可以这样,是因为所有引用的大小相同。
- To delete data from storage and remove all references to the data. 从存储器中删除某些数据,且清除此数据的所有引用或参考信息。
- All references to the scandal were edited out of the tape. 所有涉及这件丑闻的内容都从录音带中删去了。
- All references to mouse clicks assume use of a right-handed mouse. 所有鼠标点击参考都假设是个右手鼠标。
- Strictly speaking, these names all refer to something different. 严格说来,这些名字的含义是不同的。
- All references to racial problems were deleted from the history books. 历史书里所有涉嫌种族问题的地方都被删掉了。
- It is used to designate a universal resource name (URN) value that is reserved for all references to the schema. 它用来指定一个统一资源名(URN,universal resource name),这个统一资源名的形式是对UDDI Schema的引用的逆序排列。
- The professor writes the book,but his assistants have to do the donkey work of checking all references. 教授著书,而助手们只好去做查阅资料这种单调累人的活。
- These verbs all refer to allaying another's anger, belligerence, discontent, or agitation. 这些动词都用来指减轻或消除另一方的怒气、好战性、不满或焦虑。
- Right-click on a symbol in Class View and select Find All References from its shortcut menu. 在“类视图”中,右击某个符号并从其快捷菜单中选择“查找所有引用”。
- Do you also want to purge all references to the selected WINS servers from the database? 是否也要从数据库中清除对选定的WINS服务器的所有引用?
- Changes the name of the method and all references to that method to the new name. 将方法的名称以及对该方法的所有引用更改为新名称。
- Are you sure you want to purge all references to this WINS server from the database? 是否从数据库中清除对此WINS服务器的所有引用?
- Click the Yes button when you are asked if you want to rename all references to the code element 'Form1'. 当询问是否希望重命名对代码元素“Form1”的所有引用时,单击“是”按钮。