- They promised to stay in love all their life. 他们发誓相爱用尽这一生。
- The old couple have got on well with each other all their life. 那对老夫妇一生相敬如宾。
- This was the day they'd waited for all their lives. 这就是他们全部生活所期待的一天。
- They worked all their lives for the emancipation of mankind. 他们为人类的解放事业奋斗了一辈子。
- And might release those who because of the fear of death through all their life were held in slavery. 并要释放那些一生因怕死而受挟于奴役的人。
- May good people be free from mishaps all their lives. 好人一生平安。
- But why be surprised, when that's what they hear all their lives. 不过何必大惊小怪呢?他们一生总听到这类话。
- For those who have attended a college in its true sense, they are struggling spurning money all their life. 对于那些没有上大学的人(指我们复读班的垃圾们吧),他们的一生在为(真正的金钱)所奋斗/挣扎?
- Organisms spending all their life as plankton, in the water column and not on or in the sea bed. 生物一生皆为浮游生物,在水团内而不是在海床里或上面。
- These women workers have been doing embroidery all their lives. 这些女工绣了一辈子花。
- These artists devoted all their life to art, and made great contributions to the artistic field. 这些艺术野把终生皆献给了艺术,替艺术事业作没了宏大的奉献。
- They worked hard all their lives on behalf of the poor. 他们毕生为穷人的利益而辛劳。
- Those shooters will carry those tracks all their lives. 那些注射毒品的瘾君子的身上将永远留着注射毒品留下的抹不去的针迹。
- Most cats remain suspicious of humans all their lives. 在它们的一生中,大多数猫都对人存有戒心。
- The Bronte sisters left all their life ideal with her, who embodies the memory and praying of the author for her litter sister Emily. 在她身上,寄托了勃朗特姐妹的人生理想,也体现了作者对妹妹艾米莉的纪念。
- Those guys who chose 15-20 years mortagage for such an apartment would work all their life for developers/real estate speculators. 那些为了房子而贷款15年的人,将一辈子为开发商或者投机者打工。
- Such thing happens in many areas. But not all bridegrooms are rich, if they can not offer so high betrothal, are they single in all their life? 这样的事情在很多地方都有,但是,并不是所有的新郎都是有钱人,难道他们就要一辈子单身了么?
- Dogs have devoted all their life to people since they met.They keep people company.They participate in the history of human civilization. 当狗遇上人之后,双方从此展开丰富与多样性的生活,从史前时代狗开始与人类为伍,参与了人类文明发展的历史;
- The massive and common hatred against this political clique constitutes another "possession" in their life, on top of all their existing evilness. 人民普遍对他们的仇视,是他们拥有的除不义之财外的又一笔漫无边际的财富。
- If pupils get into the good habit of English study during the fundamental period, they will surely benefit a lot throughout all their life. 在我们英语基础阶段的学习过程中,小学生如果养成了好的英语学习习惯必将受益终身。