- all capital earnings rate [经] 资产总额收益率
- Consideration on the target of capital earnings rate 对资本收益率指标的认识
- What is the earning rate the net assets? 净资产收益率是多少?
- China's national commercial banks are not so good in their core capital, asset scale, asset earning rate and asset sufficiency. 摘要无论从核心资本、资产规模、资产收益率、资本充足率各方面,国有商业银行的情况都不容乐观。
- Type or print legibly with pen in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.Use English. 请用大写字母打字或用笔填写清楚,请用英文填写,不要在此表背面写任何字。
- In the field of securities investment, earning rate, standard deviation, Sharpe index, Treynor index and Jensen index are five important indexes for assessing fund performance. 摘要在证券投资领域中,收益率、标准差、夏普指数、特雷诺指数和詹森指数是评价基金绩效的五个重要指标。
- If you have accidentally pressed CAPS LOCK, then you're inadvertently typing your password in all capital letters. 如果意外按下了Caps Lock,则会无意键入所有字母都大写的密码。
- Don't use all capital letters. It looks like you are shouting or yelling and is rude. 不要全用大写的字母写邮件,这让人感觉你在大叫或者在吼,还很粗暴.
- Type or print legibly with pen in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Use English. Do not write on the back of this form. 请用大写字母打字或用笔填写清楚,请用英文填写,不要在此表背面写任何字。
- In all capital or criminal prosecutions a man has a right to demand the cause and nature of his accusation, to be confronted with the accusers and witnesses. 在所有死刑或刑事诉讼中,个人有权要求知道被控告的原因与性质,有权要求与控告者和证人进行对质。
- Advertisements, TV shows, movies, and books all capitalize on the image. 广告、电视节目、电影和书籍都在为这个形象投资。
- Method includes some extra spacing for descenders and white space, but the text will be reflected around the baseline, which is the line which all capital letters sit on. 方法返回的高度包括一些额外的下行字母和空白的间距,但文本将围绕基线反射,所有大写字母都在此线上。
- Co-ordinate all capital investments associated with the Operational areas in order to achieve the required availability of equipment in line with business and output requirements. 与操作区域合作调整所有的可获利的资产,可以与业务和产量一致完成有效的需求。
- the newlyadded capital earning' s ratio 新增资本支出收益率
- Custom spending represents, in fact, two-thirds of all capitalized software. 实际上,客户费用仅占商业软件的三分之二。
- Great, all right, to be earning your own dough. 好啊,行啊,你要自己挣钱了。
- Humiliated, the American management laid-off one rower, halted development of a new canoe, sold all the paddle as, and canceled all capital investments for new equipment. 倍感羞辱,美国人解雇了一个划手,终止开发新的船只,变卖了所有的划桨,取消了对任何新装备的投资。
- On Tianjin Residents'Educational Earning Rate 天津市城镇居民教育收益率研究
- Don't send e-mails written in all capital letters and/or using three exclamation points -- it's bad netiquette in personal correspondence, but it's even worse in business. 电子邮件中不要全用大写字母及/或不要连用三个惊叹号。在个人书信往来中这是一个不好的习惯;在职场就更糟糕了。
- investment - earning rate difference 收益率差异