- He showed us a model of the new office building. 他给我们看了新办公楼的模型。
- We also tried to design computational models of speech intelligibility based on the previous psychoacoustic experiments. 进而开展言语可懂度理论研究,包括能量掩蔽和信息掩蔽计算模型,以及基于听感知组织的言语可懂度计算模型。
- In this paper, we use full pole model to obtain speech signal LPC, then deduce it"s LPCC, and we use the LPCC difference to describe speaker"s track dynamic movement. 本文应用全极点模型,提取语音信号的线性预测系数,并推导出其倒谱系数,获得线性预测倒谱差分,用以描述说话人声道的动态变化。
- a good model of speech and pronunciation 演讲和发音的典范
- He made a clay model of the Eiffel Tower. 他做了一个艾菲尔铁塔的黏土模型。
- His mother is a model of industry. 他母亲是勤劳的模范。
- Prosody. Models of Speech Planning; Evidence from Speech Errors. Modification of Features and Acoustic Properties in Fluent Speech; Gestural Overlap, Reduction, Enhancement. 18韵律学。语言规划模型。语言错误的实证。特征系数的改变和流畅语言中的声学特性。姿态的重叠、简化和加强。
- A mechanical model of the solar system. 太阳系仪太阳系的机械模型
- In the presence of elderly visitors our son was a model of decorum. 我们的儿子在来访的长辈面前彬彬有礼。
- All this information is stored in the topology model of the portal. 所有这些信息都存储在门户的拓扑模型中。
- The reliability of this CAD method described in this article for All Pole Active Filter has been proved theoretically and experimentally. 本文提出的全极点有源滤波的CAD方法,从原理和实验上都证明了它的可靠性。
- Simple and Fast Algorithm of Multi-pulse Excitation Model of Speech 语音多脉冲激励模型的简快算法
- Hareton, with all his bashfulness, isn't a model of nice behaviour. 哈里顿,虽然非常羞怯,却不是品行端正的榜样。
- Bottom formwork are all made of model of brick tyres. 底板模板:均采用砖胎模。
- The latest model of this washer is now on sale in your shops. 这种最新型号的洗衣机目前正在你们的商店中出售。
- A Survey of Models of Speech Production in Russia 俄罗斯的言语生成模型理论
- I don't know one model of car from another. 我分辨不出汽车的型号。
- A novel configuration of fully differential continuous time current mode CMOS OTA C all pole low pass filter is proposed based on direct simulation of the current mode transfer function(SFG). 应用信号流图法对电流系统传递函数直接模拟,提出了一种新颖的差分式连续时间电流模式CMOS跨导-电容低通滤波器的实现方案。
- Weight under 1 kg for all models of helmets. 全部型号少于1kg重量的钢盔。
- This predictive control law makes all poles be located on the left of the expected pole in the root plane. 该控制规律可保证闭环系统的无穷个极点都位于根平面上希望极点的左边。