- Although infant colobus monkeys are born all white, adults are black with a white face border, white veiling flanks, and a bushy white tail. 尽管婴儿疣猴都是全白出生,成年疣猴却是黑色的,有着有张白色边界的脸,薄薄的白色侧线腰窝,以及浓密的白色尾巴。
- Her white face and her dark dress contrast sharply. 她洁白的脸和她黑色的衣服形成强烈的对比。
- My face is bright. My teeth are all white. 我的脸是明亮的。我的牙齿是白的。
- Melanie's white face went crimson. 媚兰的白脸变得了徘红。
- The wig was powdered so it was all white. 假发上有许多灰,所以假发看上去像白色的。
- "We're all white here," murmured Jordan. “我们这里大家都是白人嘛。” 乔丹咕哝着说。
- On his pale white face there was a half smile. 他那苍白的脸上露出一丝笑容。
- Sometimes it snows and the land is all white. 有时下雪,大地一片白。
- The white face in the mask is means for trickster. 面具中的白脸是狡诈的人。
- Sometimes it snows, and the land is all white. 有时还下雪,整个大地都变白了。
- Having a white face or face markings. 白脸的或脸上有白斑的
- His hair is thin and almost all white. 他的头发稀疏,几乎全白了。
- After a whole night's snow, the field is all white. 一夜风雪过后,原野里一片白茫茫。
- A room painted all white; directions that were all wrong. 一间全刷成白色的房间;完全错误的方向
- She set her white face to him, passive, like a helpless animal. 她对他板起一张惨白的脸,无可奈何地,恰如一只走投无路的动物。
- Not all white appearance of vocal cords are leukoplakaia of larynx. 声带白色样病变并非全部为喉白斑病。
- We all prior agreement "Hush," a cry, because we are well aware, there is a woman sitting next to in the raising of a small white face. 我们都不约而同地“嘘”了一声,因为我们心知肚明,旁边坐着有个女人是在养小白脸的。
- You use a face cloth. 你使用面巾。
- She had precious little rest: one could guess by her white face and heavy eyes. 她难得有点休息;从她那发白的脸和迷迷瞪瞪的眼睛可以猜得出。
- She stood aside to let them pass and caught a glimpse of a white face. 她闪开、给他们让路,瞧见一张白人的脸。