- Mo alloy layer is formed by double glow plasma alloying process. 然后作固溶处理,使金属间化合物溶于基体中;
- The etching liquid etches the gold or gold alloy layer existing between the columns evenly. 该蚀刻液均匀蚀刻柱之间存在的金或金合金层。
- The results showed that alloy layer peeling of thrust washer was mainly caused by poor adhesion between alloy layer and steel back. 结果表明,造成止推垫片合金层产生剥落的主要原因是合金层与钢背之间的结合强度较低;
- The etching liquid etches a gold or gold alloy layer formed on the surface of a substrate for a semiconductor device or a liquid crystal device evenly. 该蚀刻液均匀蚀刻在半导体器件或液晶装置用基片的表面上形成的金或金合金层。
- The kinetics curves of alloy layer growth in hot dip aluminizing layer and corresponding equations were given with computer fitting. 根据试验结果,通过计算机拟合给出了合金层生长动力学曲线,并建立了方程。
- Phase constitutions in the Fe-Al alloy layer of the calorized steel pipe are researched by means of microscopy, SEM, EPMA, x-ray diffraction and electron diffraction,etc. 利用光镜、扫描电镜(SEM)、电子探针(EPMA)、x-射线衍射和电子衍射等试验方法,对感应料浆法(GL)渗铝钢管Fe-Al合金渗层的相组成进行了研究。
- Massive white points outspreading along rolling direction on the surface of Sn-Fe alloy layer was discovered after removing tin coating of tinplates offered by some steel works. 脱去镀锡板的自由锡层后,在锡铁合金层的表面目视发现了大量沿轧制方向伸展的白点,并且合金层的耐蚀性随着白点数量与覆盖面积的增加而下降。
- With the effect of spraying transitional layer, a stainless steel alloy layer was obtained on the magnesium based metal matrix composites by laser cladding. 利用中间过渡层的作用,在镁基金属复合材料上激光熔覆了不锈钢合金层,熔覆层与基体为冶金结合。
- The performances of Ni three-part alloy layer of elec-troless Ni-P and Ni-B plating and alloy layer of compound electroless Ni plating were described and their application in petrochemical industry was introduced. 对化学镀Ni-P、Ni-B、镍三元合金镀层及其复合化学镍合金镀层的特性进行了论述;对化学镀镍合金在石化工业中的应用进行了介绍.
- Abstract The comprehensive mechanical properties of the heat shears were analyzed and the microstructures and properties of the surfacing high wear resisting alloy layer were studied. 分析了热剪刃的综合力学性能要求,并对表面堆焊高耐磨合金层的显微组织和性能进行了研究。
- A new type of alloy chute surfacing electrode was designed to repair the chute abraded and to obtain a high wear-resistance alloy layer on the low carbide steel surface of the chute. 研究了一种新型合金溜槽堆焊焊条,用堆焊的方法修复已经磨损的溜槽以及在低碳钢槽体表面堆焊耐磨层,制造出新型高耐磨性的合金槽体。
- The alloy layer of tinplate is an intermetallic compound formed between base plate and tin coating through thermodiffusion during the treatment of heating and fusing after electrotinning. 镀锡板合金层是镀锡后在加热熔融处理过程中通过热扩散在基板与锡层之间生成的一种金属间化合物,因此,合金层的生成与原板和镀层都有很大关系。
- Results showed that satisfactory alloyed layer could be also formed on steel castings without adding fusing agent into alloy coating. 研究表明,合金涂层中不加熔剂也能形成质量较好的合金层;
- A new type of method used to format alloy layer of tran-high chrome-carbon through double glow ion-chromizing and double glow ion-carbonizing in the surface metal of material was employed. 在45钢表面利用双层辉光离子渗铬和双层辉光离子渗碳技术,形成高碳化物含量的合金层,对该合金化渗层进行淬火、回火及耐磨性的对比试验。
- The carburized alloyed layer possesses high density of finery and dispersed alloy carbides for the high concentrations of W, Mo and their affinities with carbon. 经淬火及回火后的合金层具有高速钢组织及性能。
- Keywords hot dip aluminising alloy layer structure; 热浸镀铝;合金层;组织结构;
- The carbides of the alloyed layer were compact, uniform and dispersed without coarse eutectic Ledeburite structure. 渗层中的碳化物细小、均匀、弥散,没有粗大的共晶莱氏体组织;
- Microstructures of the carburized alloyed layer are analysised in detail by TEM. 对渗金属层渗碳后的组织进行了电子显微分析。
- The thermodynamic analysis shows that the infiItration of molten iron into the alloy powder paste is the key to form a surface alloying layer in the process of surface alloying during casting. 对铸造表面合金化过程进行了热力学分析,认为铁水向膏剂内浸渗是形成良好合金层的关键环节。
- Alloyed layer was formed on the surface of titanium by hydrogen-free carburizing using net-shape double cathode method. 采用网状双阴极法对纯钛表面进行离子无氢渗碳,在纯钛表面形成冶金结合的高硬度合金渗层;