- Low-lying alluvial land adjacent to a river. 低洼地,滩地与河流邻接的低洼冲积地带
- You need to filter the drinking water. 你需要把饮用水过滤。
- A filter traps dust from the air. 过滤网可存住空气中的尘埃。
- The news of the defeat started to filter through. 战败的消息开始传出来。
- It won't take long to filter the coffee. 用不了多少时间就可以把咖啡过滤好。
- I took this picture with a red filter. 这张照片我是用红色滤光镜拍摄的。
- We usually clear the water with a filter. 我们通常用过滤器使水净化。
- alluvial filter 冲积式过滤器
- Alluvial soils usually grow the best crops. 淤积土壤通常能长出最好的庄稼。
- Put the coffee in the filter and let the water run through. 把咖啡倒入滤器里让水流过。
- The filter cleans the fuel before it enters the engine. 在燃料进入发动机之前,过滤器先把它过滤。
- Bangkok is surrounded by a vast, damp, alluvial plain, crisscrossed by a network of klong. 曼谷为一个广阔潮湿的冲积平原所环绕,有纵横交错的运河网。
- Layered gravel and charcoal to make a filter. 将砂砾和木炭分层以做成过滤器
- The farmers found the alluvial deposits at the mouth of the river very fertile. 农民发现这条河口底下的沉积物很肥沃。
- A usually triangular alluvial deposit at the mouth of a river. 三角洲河口常见的三角形沉淀淤积地带
- Meeting the high mountains, hills, valleys both alluvial plain. 次高山、丘陵、河谷冲积平原兼而有之。
- Filter out all the dirt before using the water. 在用水以前先将其中不清洁的东西过滤掉。
- This is an alluvial flat where no villager dares to plant crops. 这是一片河漫滩, 村里没有人敢在这里种庄稼。
- Filter selection is made using inherent spectra. 滤色镜的选择必须利用固有光谱。
- Charcoal is used to filter water. 木炭是用来过滤水的。