- The little room was almost bare of furniture. 这个小房间几乎没有什么家俱。
- Vulture is a large bird usually with a head and neck almost bare of feathers. 秃鹰是一种头和脖子几乎没毛的大鸟。
- The room is almost bare of furniture. 那房间几没有家具。
- This may range from a high rain forest in the wet tropics to almost bare rock on the deserts. 这可从潮湿热带的高大常雨林变化到沙漠上几乎裸露的岩石。
- As far as the eye can see now, the hills are almost bare, thinly peppered with charred, thin tree trunks, the old guard of a once proud past. 现在,目之所及,几乎都是光秃的小山,山上稀疏地分布着烧焦的细树干,就像是它们曾经引以骄傲的昔日时光的守护者。
- I was close to file and write the obituary for the school.The almost bare sheets in the file mocked the effort. 我曾埋头为学校整理并书写卟告。档案中几乎空白的纸页使我做的努力徒劳无功。
- The cold breath of autumn had stricken its leaves from the vine until its skeleton branches clung, almost bare, to the crumbling bricks. 秋天的寒风把藤上的叶子差不多全都吹掉了,几乎只有光秃的枝条还缠附在剥落的砖块上。
- Nevertheless, when I opened the window one morning, to my amazement, the tree was almost bare beyond recognition as a result of the storm ravages the night before. 然而,一天早晨,当我打开窗户时,令我诧异的是,这棵树因前夜一场暴风雨的袭击,变得光秃秃地,几乎认不出了。
- Days after being sworn into office, and with an almost bare public purse, he managed to find enough money to pay civil servants for the first time in many months so they could afford to buy food. 他宣誓就职几天之后,在国库几乎空虚的情况下,他设法找到足够资金,多月来首次支付公务员薪资,让他们能买食粮。
- The path leads to a hill bare of vegetation. 这条小道通向一座没有草木的小山。
- Just give us the bare facts of the case. 你只要向我们提供案件最低限度的事实真相就行。
- Fred eked out a bare living by farming. 弗雷德靠种田勉强度日。
- He earns a bare living by his work. 他工作收入仅够维持生活。
- We have pared down our expenses to a bare minimum. 我们已最大限度地削减了开支。
- It's almost impossible to agree on a unified basic price. 几乎不可能商定一个划一的基本价格。
- He earned a bare living at that time. 那时他过着穷困的日子。
- The chimney is almost choked up with soot. 烟囱几乎被烟垢堵住了。
- The fierce sun parched the bare earth. 灼热的阳光炙烤着光秃秃的大地。
- Such are the bare bones of the plot. 这些就是情节的梗概。
- The shack seemed almost ready to collapse. 那小屋子好像是快要倒塌了。