- The paper discusses the relations between complete convergence and almost uniform convergence, almost everywhere convergence, convergence in measure of fathomable functional sequence, and presents two common properties and one decision theorem. 摘要讨论了可测函数序列完全收敛与几乎一致收敛、几乎处处收敛、依测度收敛之间的关系,并给出了它的两个常用性质和一个判定定理。
- almost everywhere converge 几乎处处收敛
- Best approximation and almost everywhere convergence on the sphere 最佳逼近与球调和级数的几乎处处收敛
- Proof of Levi Theorem on Almost Everywhere Convergence 几乎处处收敛时Levi定理的证明
- Clay is found almost everywhere in the world. 黏土几乎遍布在世界的每个角落。
- My wife looked almost everywhere for my watch. 内人为我的手表,几乎到处寻找。
- Almost everywhere convergence of the gradients of solutions to parabolic equations 抛物型方程解的梯度的几乎处处收敛性
- The economic machinery had broken down almost everywhere. 几乎在所有的地方经济机器都已崩溃。
- Telephone service now is available almost everywhere in the world. 电话服务现在在世界各地都已普及。
- In between, share prices almost everywhere more than recovered. 在这过程中,股价几乎超过追缴。
- Italian food, French food and Chinese food are available almost everywhere. 几乎任何地方都能吃到意大利菜、法国菜和中国菜。
- Their latest hobby is traveling, and they've been almost everywhere in Canton. 他们近来喜欢旅行,而且几乎已经到过广东每个地方。
- The number of deaths from terrorist acts has climbed almost everywhere. 死于恐怖主义行动的人数几乎无处不在上升。
- But almost everywhere turnout was far below levels in national elections. 但几乎所有地区的投票人数都比国内大选少得多。
- almost everywhere convergence 概收敛
- almost everywhere convergent 几乎处处收敛
- Movies about Mickey Mouse have been popular with children almost everywhere for more than forty years. 有关米老鼠的电影40年来几乎在各地一直受到儿童们的喜爱。
- But in the Sun Pictures chairs,under the deep blue night sky,she has been almost everywhere. 不过正是在Sun Pictures电影院的座椅上,在深蓝色夜空下,她几乎神游了世界各地。
- Because of developments in international communication, current news is at hand almost everywhere. 由于国际通讯的发展,到处都可以收到时事新闻。