- Chinese civilization originated in various city-states along the Yellow River. 中国文化起源于黄河流域的很多城邦。
- The Qiang originally lived along the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River. 羌人,最初活动于黄河中上游地区。
- Chinese civilization originated in various city-states along the Yellow River valley in the Neolithic era. 中国文明在新石器时代的时代沿着黄河流域起源于各种城邦.
- Calligonum Baode oil-producing areas along the Yellow River mainly concentrated in the hilly and gully area of. 保德油枣产区主要集中在沿黄河一带的丘陵沟壑之中。
- We launched projects to protect the natural forests in major forest areas and along the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. 在重点林区和长江、黄河上中游开展了天然林保护工程,在生态脆弱地区有步骤地开展了大规模退耕还林还草。
- Jiyang County, located in the floodplain of the Yellow River in North Shandong Province, has four irrigation districts along the Yellow River. 摘要济阳县位于鲁北黄泛平原南部,为沿黄县市,全县有引黄灌区四处。
- The nearby Gobi Desert is harsh and desolate, but people still live here, building by artesian wells or along the banks of the Yellow River. 边上的戈壁滩荒无人烟,但依旧有人住在那里,他们的房子通常盖在自流井边上火车黄河两岸。
- Daphne genkwa Sieb. et Zucc, one of the medicinal species in Thymelaeaceae, is widely distributed in the provinces of southern China as well as the regions along the Yellow River. 芫花(Daphne genkwa Sieb.;et Zucc)为瑞香科(Thymelaeaceae)植物,广泛分布于我国长江流域各省和黄河流域的部分地区。 芫花是一种传统的中草药,在民间可用于治疗多种疾病。
- Like the Yellow River,time keeps rolling along. 时间像黄河一样不断滚滚奔腾向前。
- Paulownia but not too cold, generally located in the Haihe River valley south and the Yellow River Basin, along the Yellow River is the best precautions sand species. 但泡桐不太耐寒,一般只分布在海河流域南部和黄河流域,是黄河故道上防风固沙的最好树种。
- Expand Map of Shanxi Province, along the journey of a thousand miles down Fenhe, Linfen basin to the southern tip offen shui folded into the Yellow River and the west. 展开山西省地图,沿着千里汾河而下,至临汾盆地南端,汾水折而向西注入黄河。
- A total 3,576 kilometers of main embankment along the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River and 982 kilometers of embankment along the lower reaches of the Yellow River were reinforced and came up to anti-flood standards. 长江中下游干流3576公里堤防加固工程基本达标;黄河下游堤防加固完成断面达标982公里。
- Cutting down trees will be banned in regions along the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River,with timber output reduced by about 20 million cubic metres. 长江上游,黄河中上游将禁止砍伐树木,从而木材产量将减少2000万立方米。
- Of these, two have been used to encircle the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region, while only one has been assigned defence duty along the Yellow River, from Yichuan to Tungkuan, against the Japanese invaders. 其中有两个集团军用于包围陕甘宁边区,只有一个用于防守从宜川至潼关一段黄河沿岸,对付日寇。
- Long ago, in an ancient time, there was along the Yellow River that lasted for three years. All the rivers had dried up and people suffered a lot. 古时候,黄河一带三年大旱,河水干涸了。人们痛苦极了。
- The Yellow River is beginning to run dry. 黄河正在开始变得干涸。
- Cutting down trees will be banned in regions along the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River, with timber output reduced by about 20 million cubic metres. 长江上游,黄河中上游将禁止砍伐树木,从而木材产量将减少2000万立方米。
- The Yellow River seawards flows. 黄河入海流。
- This poem praises the grandeur of the Yellow River. 这首诗歌颂了黄河的伟大气魄。
- But hears only the Yellow River's roar. 但闻黄河流水鸣溅溅