- amity generating from exterior 境生象外
- He generalized from that accident and said that all women are bad driver. 他因那次车祸而下结论说所有女性都不善于开车。
- The research paradigm should shift from macro to micro, from exterior to interior and from speculative to constructive. 教学理论的研究范式要实现从宏观转向微观、从外部转向内部、从思辨到建构的时代转向。
- One cannot generalize from a few examples. 不能从几个事例中得出一般性概念。
- One can not generalize from a few examples. 人们不能仅从几个实例就得出一般性结论。
- He generalized from that accident and said that all women were bad drivers. 他因那次车祸而下结论说所有女性都不善於开车。
- The security aim of E-Government Affairs is to prevent all kinds of intrusion and attack ,access without authorization, imitation, juggle, disavowal from exterior and inside. 电子政务系统的安全目标是防止来自外部和内部的各种入侵和攻击,防止非授权的访问,防止各种冒充、篡改和抵赖等行为,防止信息泄密和被破坏。
- Darwin generalized from many facts to reach his idea about the origin of man. 达尔文从很多事实中得出他对人类起源的观点。
- A method on Upper Respiratory Tract Virosis Infection disease and fever of Wind-Hot is dispelling wind relieving the exterior and eliminating pathogens from exterior. 本课题以上呼吸道病毒感染性发热风热证为研究重点,确立疏邪解表、透热外达为基本治法。
- Computer art generated from dynamical system. 动力系统产生的计算机图形艺术。
- A chasm separates my generation from my parents'. 分歧使我这一代人不同于我父母那一代。
- One cannot generalize from a few examples . 人们不能从这几个例子里归纳出结论。
- BlackBerry Ringtone Generation from a MP3 File. 黑莓铃声代从MP3文件。
- Steam generation from this hot flue gas is a last resort option. 从这种高温烟道气生产蒸汽是一种最后的选择。
- The majority undertaking organized group enough capital has not organized a new enterprise, they must seek the risk capital from exterior the support. 大多数创业班子没有足够的资本创办一个新企业,他们必须从外部寻求风险资本的支持。
- USB KEY appearance is exactly like U dish, and from exterior cannot numerate the crucial data that interior saves, security is higher. USB KEY外形酷似U盘,且从外部无法读出内部保存的关键数据,安全性较高。
- Other proportional feedback signals are generated from rate gyros. 其他的比例反馈讯号是由速率陀螺产生的。
- Trees generating from some vertices of the polyhedron;Case 2.The connected planar graphs having loops or multiple edges. 还将与此对应的平面连通图的欧拉公式,推广至有自环及多重边的情形。
- In circuit design, electromagnetism compatibility design is adopted in order that interference between signals as well as from exterior interference source is reduced. 在设计过程中对整个电路采取了电磁兼容性处理,减小了信号间及外部干扰源的干扰。
- His speeches are generalities from Poor Richard's Almanac. 他的演讲是出自老皇历的老生常谈。