- ammonia circulating pump 氨循环泵
- Frequent leakage of mechanical seal of quenching oil circulating pump was a hard problem in ethylene production. 急冷油循环泵的机械密封频繁泄漏是困扰乙烯生产的老难题。
- Cabinet heaters, circulating pump motors and other devices which draw relatively high currents may be powered locally. 引起相对较高电流的机柜加热器、循环泵电机及其它设备可以就地供电。
- Reliability design of V-belt drive get not only a small size??light wight but also high reliability in the circulating pump. 讨论了泵中V带传动的可靠性设计与传统设计比较,不仅根数少、尺寸小、质量轻,而且可靠性高。
- It consists of starting separator, boiler circulating pump, and other connecting pipes and valves on steam and water sides. 它包括启动分离器、炉循环泵及其它汽侧和水侧连接管、阀门等。
- The applied plan is introduced of fre quency control system by the microco mputer for constant -pressure wa-ter supply to circulating pump stati ons,and the system is analysed. 介绍了微机控制变频恒压供水系统在循环泵站中的应用方案,并对系统进行了分析。
- Type LW pump is vertical single-stage single-suction volute centrifugal pump.It is used for circulating pump in power station and water drainage in mines, cities and farmlands. LW型泵立式单级单吸蜗壳离心泵,适用于大型火力发电厂作循环泵,也可作工矿、城市及农田建设的排水泵。
- Haohua astronavigation chemical co.,ltd. adopts high voltage frequency converter for motor speed adjustment of water circulating pump and achieves obvious effect. 摘要昊华宇航化工有限公司采用高压变频器进行循环水泵电动机调速,节电效果显著。
- Economics is studied on steam injector substituting the tube-shell heat exchanger and the circulating pump in the heating system of the thermal power plant. 针对热电厂供热系统采用升压加热装置改造热网加热器和循环水泵的可行性和经济性开展了研究。
- General central air condition system is composed of refrigerator, circulating pump, water supply pump, water divider, catchment device and end equipment. 常见的余热制冷中央空调系统由制冷机、循环泵、补水泵、分水器、集水器以及末端装置等组成。
- The effect of reaction temperature, reaction pressure, catalyst concentration, ammonia circulation rate, condensing temperature on fatty nitriles reaction rate, yield, energy demand are discussed. 讨论反应温度、反应压力、催化剂的浓度、氨循环速率、冷凝温度对脂肪晴的反应速率、得率、能量消耗的影响。
- Methods A small Distributed Control System(DCS) composed of Programmable Logic Controller(PLC) and WinCC is used to realize the control of circulating pump by PLC programmingand WinCC configuration. 方法 利用可编程逻辑控制器PLC和 Win CC组态软件组成小型开放性集散控制系统 ( DCS) ;根据控制系统软件的设计要求 ;通过对PLC编程以及 Win CC的组态实现系统控制 .
- Circulating pump are outside the vacuum salt heating system in the key equipment, and its performance, quality and performance is directly related to the production of crude salt production, quality. 循环泵是外加热式真空制盐系统中的关键设备,其性能、质量和运行状况直接关系到原盐生产的产量、质量。
- The unit consists of a refrigeration cooler, heat exchanger with vaporizer, circulating pump and thermostatic control in order to keep the temperature in the spindle system constant. 该装置由冷却器,带风扇的热交换器,循环泵和恒温控制系统组成,以便保持主轴系统的连续稳定温度。
- With the common problems in projects, presents the optimal design of circulating pumps. 结合工程常见问题,提出了循环水泵的最优化设计。
- Hayward Tyler has been BHEL's primary supplier of glandless motor pumps for boiler circulating pump duties for the last 20 years, the company says. 据该公司称,Hayward Tyler,作为锅炉循环泵无密封垫电动泵的提供者已经有20年的历史了。此工程完成之后,Hayward Tyler装置在此大陆的安装总数将会超过120。
- Ammonia is a chemical substance. 氨是种化学物质。
- Ammonia is a colorless gas with strong smell. 氨是无色并有强烈气味的气体。
- Through the analysis and comparison of water pressure chart of press boiler and no-press boiler, it is found that their main difference is circulating pump delivery, namely different consumption. 通过对无压锅炉与有压锅炉供热系统水压图的分析和比较,发现二者的主要区别在于循环水泵的扬程不同,即循环能耗不同。
- Electric water heaters are installed in guest rooms and restaurant, also hot water circulating pumps will be provided for supplying hot water. 在客房和餐厅内设置电热水器;同时亦为热水供应设置循环泵.