- Recognized one year's amortization of discount on 40-year bonds payable. 确认40年期的应付债券当年摊销的折价。
- Premium is amortized over the 40-year life of the bonds in a manner similar to the amortization of discount. 在40年的债券发行期内,溢价的摊销形式与折价摊销相似。
- Amortization of Discount on Funded Debt 长期债务的折价摊销
- Amortization of discount on long-term investments; 长期投资折价摊销;
- The borrowing costs shall include interest on borrowings, amortization of discounts or premiums on borrowings, ancillary expenses, and exchange balance on foreign currency borrowings. 借款费用包括借款利息、折价或者溢价的摊销、辅助费用以及因外币借款而发生的汇兑差额等。
- The borrowing costs include interests on borrowings, amortization of discounts or premiums on borrowings, ancillary expenses, and exchange differences on foreign currency borrowings. 借款费用包括借款利息、折价或者溢价的摊销、辅助费用以及因外币借款而发生的汇兑差额等。
- The rate of discount in London is now 5%. 现在伦敦的贴现率是5%25。
- But what's the usual rate of discount? 折扣率为多少?
- amortization of discount 摊提贴水
- Notice that amortization of the discount increases Solarwind Corporation's annual interest expense. 需注意,折价的摊销增加太阳风公司的年度利息费用。
- Other examples of such write-offs include amortization of patents, leaseholds, goodwill and bond discount. 这些注销的其他例子包括专利权,租赁权,商誉和公司债折价的摊销。
- Many US companies are suspicious of discounting. 许多美国企业对收费折扣抱有疑虑。
- Other houses have varying degrees of discounts. 其他房源,均有不同程度的折扣。
- I'd like to discuss the matter of discount with you. 我想跟你们商量一下折扣问题。
- Recognized one year's amortization of premium on 40-year bonds payable. 确认40年期的应付债券当年摊销的溢价。
- We can leave the whole matter of discounting out of account. 对于整个贴现问题我们都可以不予考虑。
- The amount of discount is usually deducted form the buyers` payment. 折扣部分的金额一般是在买方付款时从货款中扣除。
- A bank loan to a company, with a fixed maturity and often featuring amortization of principal. 银行发放给公司的有一定期限的贷款,常以分期偿还本金为特征。
- Any write-offs or amortization of noncurrent items deducted on the income statement must be added back to net income. 任何已从收益表减去的非流动项目的注销或摊销,都必须加净收益。
- However, instead of increasing interest expense, amortization of premium decreases interest expense. 但是,与利息费用的增加相反,溢价的摊销减少利息费用。