- Therefore, amylase isozyme electrophoresis can be used to detect the quality of honey and adulterant. 所以,可以通过淀粉酶同工酶电泳的方法来检测蜂蜜产品质量、以及蜂蜜掺假。
- 1 Hashiguchi,T.et al; Genetical studies on serum amylase isozyme in fowls [M];Jap.J.Genet; 1970 知网空间,大骨鸡血清淀粉酶同工酶谱及其活性的测定,大骨鸡,血清淀粉酶,同工酶,活性
- amylase isozyme 淀粉酶同功酶
- The blood endotoxin and amylase(AMS)were detected. 检测血中内毒素(endotoxin)及淀粉酶(AMS)水平。
- Spinach glycolate oxidase is an isozyme. 分子生物学报 (Xu Jie.
- Amylase and invertase showed higher activity in T3. T3烟叶的淀粉酶、转化酶活性均表现出较高的活性。
- There were three isozyme (AMY1, AMY2 and AMY3) at the locus of amylase in Qinghai Merino, moreover, there were two genotypes of AMY2A and AMY2O at the AMY2. Monomorphism was tested at the locus of AMY in Gansu Alpine Merino. 而红细胞蛋白质-1(EP-1)和红细胞蛋白质-2(EP-2)基因座均呈显单态; 青海细毛羊的AMY基因座具有AMY1、AMY2、AMY3三种同工酶,其中AMY2呈多态,有AMY2A和AMY2O两种表现型,而甘肃高山细毛羊的AMY呈显单态。
- The blood amylase is usually elevated as a result of parotitis. 腮腺炎常引起血清淀粉酶增高。
- The waxy gene is the key gene of the amylase synthesis. 蜡质基因是编码直链淀粉合成的关键基因。
- The EST isozyme of butterflies possess polymorphosis. 1,蝴蝶酯酶同工酶具有多态现象。
- The compatibility of amylase and pectinase w as discussed. 讨论了自制的淀粉酶和果胶酶的相容性;
- The " Yushizi" is similar to "dabenzi" in isozyme bands. 玉石籽与大笨子的亲缘关系较为接近。
- Peroxidase isozyme of Pinaceae plants in Kunming region. 昆明地区松科植物的过氧化物酶同工酶.
- Dextrin values should be determined to assess amylase activity specifically. 我们应确定糊精的值以便于存在时我们明确地评估淀粉酶的活性。
- Isozyme frequencies of PGI, SKDH, and 6PGD were observed from electrophoresis. 另以电泳技术测得PGI、SKD及6PGD等同功酶之频率。
- Jew’s-ear amylase also has the function of anti hepatitis and anti saltation. 黑木耳多糖还有抗肝炎和抗突变作用。
- Amylase activity gradually increased from the bottom to top of the stolon. 就同一成熟期品种而言,从匍匐茎基部至顶端其淀粉酶活力逐渐上升;
- The morphological character also shows some resemblance to isozyme of PPO. 5个类群在外部形态上也呈现出相似性。
- He presented with hiccups, epigastric pain and vomiting, and his serum amylase and lipase levels were elevated. 他的症状有:呃逆、上腹部疼痛和呕吐,他的血清淀粉酶和脂肪酶水平升高。
- The result showed that the activity of amylase and peroxidase in hyphal stage is the highest for the two basidiomycetes. 结果表明两种菇的淀粉酶和过氧化物酶都在菌丝生长期最高。