- As an American of Chinese descent, I grew up hearing constant critiques of the terrible Communist dictatorship. 作为一名美国华裔,在成长的过程中我不断听到人们批评糟糕的共产主义独裁状况。
- an American of Chinese descent 华裔美国人
- Hudgens's father is an American of Irish and Native American descent, and her mother, who grew up in Manila, is a Filipino-born of Filipino, Spanish, and Chinese descent. 她父亲具有爱尔兰和美国土著(印第安)血统,母亲具有菲律宾,西班牙和中国血统。
- So far three Americans of Chinese descent have won Nobel Prizes. 到目前为止,有三位华裔美国人获得了诺贝尔奖。
- An American of French or French-Canadian descent. 法裔美国人法国后裔或法裔加拿大人后代的美国人
- Dan recalls an american of Chinese ancestry who visited mainland China to consummate a business agreement. 丹尼回忆说,又一个美籍华裔到中国大陆签署商业协议。
- Zhu Diwen, a professor of Chinese descent in Stanford's Department of Physics, along with two other scientists, an American and a Frenchman, won the Nobel Physics prize this year for their invention of a technique to cool atoms with a laser. 该校物理系华裔教授朱棣文因其发明激光冷却原子技术,而与美法的另两位科学家共同荣获今年诺贝尔物理奖。
- He is an American of French ancestry. 他是法国血统的美国人。
- In 1972, talking with an American physicist of Chinese descent, he said that college students should be recruited directly from among graduates fresh from the senior middle schools. 一九七二年,他和一位美籍中国物理学家谈话时,讲要从应届高中毕业生中直接招收大学生。
- An American of African ancestry. 美国黑人具有非洲血统的美国人
- an American of Chinese extraction 华裔美人
- Here they are Indonesians, Malaysians or Filipinos of Chinese descent. 在这里,他们是华裔的印尼人、马来西亚人或菲律宾人。
- Chinese citizens living abroad and persons of Chinese descent are welcome to take part in this promising endeavour. 我们欢迎在海外的华侨、华人参与这个具有前景的事业。
- Mexican-born Carmen Carrera is married to an American of Italian descent, Emil Abate. She says her mother was very happy to hear she was not marrying a Latin American. 出生于墨西哥的卡门·卡罗拉嫁给了一个名叫爱米尔·阿贝托的意大利裔美国人。卡门说当她母亲得知她嫁的人不是拉丁美洲人时非常高兴。
- Chinese living abroad and persons of Chinese descent are welcome to come back for a visit. 我们欢迎海外的华侨、华人都回来走走。
- She is now a stenotypist in the employ of an American firm. 她现在被一家美国公司雇为速记打字员。
- Americans of Chinese descent 中国血统的美国人
- An American car auctioneer will vie with a quartet of Chinese companies for U.S. IPO investors' attention this week. 本周,美国一家汽车拍卖商将与四家中国公司争夺美国首次公开募股(IPO)市场的关注。
- To the people of Chinese descent,the Lunar New Year is undoubtedly the most important festival of the year. 对于华人来说,农历新年无疑是全年最重要的喜庆节日。
- If you are of Chinese descent, you may pay tribute to the tomb of Huangdi(Yellow Emperor), first Chinese emperor. 作为炎黄子孙还可以去拜谒离西安不远的黄帝陵。