- Want to help a friend who's in an abusive relationship? 想要帮助一位处于虐待关系中的朋友?
- A woman who leaves an abusive relationship to begin a new life in a new city, where she forms an unlikely and ironic relationship with a suicidal hit man (unbeknownst to her). 凯特的婚姻很不幸福,为此她前往一个新的城市,打算在那里开始新的生活。
- He also says the country has endured an abusive relationship with the U.S., which he says rigs the global economy in its own favor. 他还说,阿根廷忍受着与美国的被侮辱关系,他说美国为了自己的利益控制着全球经济。
- When abused women leave an abusive relationship, they do not know where they will end up.Finding a safe place to stay immediately can be lifesaving. 摘要当受虐妇女离家或远离暴力环境时,找到一个安全的住处是最立即的需要。
- An abusive or contemptuous word or phrase. 浑名带侮辱性的单词或短语
- To treat in an abusive manner; bully. 威胁,恐吓用妄言对待;恫吓
- You shouldn't put up with an abusive partner. 你不应该忍受一位爱侮辱人的同伴。
- “Employees stuck in an abusive relationship experienced more exhaustion, job tension, nervousness, depressed mood and mistrust,” Hochwarter said in a press release. 员工在被辱骂的关系中工作会经受更加严重的疲惫;工作压力;紧张;沮丧的情绪以及不信任感.
- Controlling behaviors are a sign of an abusive person. 控制性行为是爱施权利人的一个标志。
- an abusive relationship 虐待关系
- A vigorous concerted movement for a cause or against an abuse. 圣战赞成某一事业或反对某一弊病而进行的有力的统一运动
- Use this function to inform administrators of an abusive posted message. 有无人有兴趣做护肤用品售货员及产品推广?
- More importantly, you and your son are in a dangerously abusive relationship, and you must get out immediately. 更重要的是你和你的儿子正处在一种非常危险的虐待境况中,你必须马上离开。
- These are the types of treatment that crush the strength a woman has mustered to get out of an abusive situation. 这种种遭遇摧毁了那些鼓起勇气逃避虐待的妇女的心力。
- The false tao is like an abusive dictator that directs through force and fear, and may be respected but unloved. 虚假道就象暴虐的独裁者,通过强迫和恐惧来指挥,并被尊敬,但是不被爱。
- Huck's life is changed by the sudden appearance of his shiftless father, "Pap", an abusive parent and drunkard. 作者又把黑奴吉姆塑造成一个品德高尚、富有人格尊严的正面人物,他虽然没有文化,有时候十分“愚昧”、迷信,但是勇敢坚强,忠诚老实,有自己的生活理想,不甘心当奴隶,敢于反抗奴役,追求自由。
- It seems that Eun Ha has fled Seoul for the countryside in the hopes of getting away from an abusive spouse. 每天为银河送新鲜牛奶、为银河打扫咖啡店、接银河下班??锡正只想为自己喜欢的人做一些简单的事。
- Women who cannot obtain U visas must either leave the country or stay in abusive relationships. 拿不到u签证的妇女要么离开美国,要么继续维持被虐待的关系。
- What she did was an abuse of her position as manager. 她的所作所为是滥用经理职权。
- If one has created an abusive example outwardly in the physical of another, then one is also vicious and abusive in the unconscious realms. 如果你在外在物理层创造了另一个人滥用的事例,那么你在无意识王国也是恶意而滥用的。