- My country has an amicable relationship with its allies. 我的国家和同盟国有友好的关系。
- This is an amicable mood conversation. 这是一次亲切友好的交谈。
- An amicable settlement was reached. 已达成和解。
- We came to an amicable agreement. 我们达成了友好的协议。
- The principal and I have an amicable working relationship. 校长与我的工作关系和谐。
- The vice-principal(s) and I have an amicable working relationship. 我有机会向副校长表达意见。
- To Maintain an amicable labor-management relationship. 保持友善的劳动管理关系。
- We hope we can reach an amicable settlement. 我们希望能达成和平解决办法。
- The subject/committee heads and teachers have an amicable working relationship. 科组主管与科组教师的工作关系和谐。
- The two nations reached an amicable agreement. 两国达成了一项友好协议。
- We try to settle arguments in an amicable way . 我们试图心平气和的解决争端。
- We firmly believe that he is an amicable man. 他是一个友善的人,对此我们深信不疑。
- An amicable settlement of a suit over land ownership. 调和在土地所有权方面诉讼的友好解决方式
- an amicable relationship 和睦的关系
- The two nations settled their quarrel in an amicable way. 两国以和睦友好的方式解决了他们的争端。
- Napoleon addressed him with an amicable and rather ironical smile. 拿破仑脸上流露着欢愉和有几分讥讽的微笑,向他转过头来。
- She is an amicable girl and gets along with everyone in the office. 她是一个和蔼可亲的女孩,和办公室里每个人都能相处。
- SINOCHEM try to resolve the issue in an amicable way? 在提出诉讼之前,为什么SINOCHEM公司不尝试以友好的方式进行和解?
- The operator and the constructor will enter into negotiations about the overspend, with talks expected to strain the" amicable relationship" both parties claim to have. 运营者和承包人将会就预算超支进行谈判,双方都表态说谈判被寄予了缓和双方关系的希望。
- When nations can not settle a quarrel in an amicable way,they usually go to war. 当国与国间不能以和平方式解决纷争时,通常即起战争。