- an elitist attitude to life 卓尔不群的生活态度.
- He has a mellow attitude to life. 他对生活有种成熟的看法。
- Her charm resides in her naive attitude to life. 她的魅力在於她对人生天真烂漫的态度。
- He has a sanguine attitude to life. 他对于人生有乐观的看法。
- We must take a more positive attitude to life. 我们必须以更积极的态度对待人生。
- Her charmresides in her naive attitude to life. 她的魅力在于她对人生天真烂漫的态度。
- A sense of humor is an attitude to life rather than the mere ability to laugh at jokes. 幽默感其实是对生活的一种态度;而不仅仅是指听到趣事能开怀大笑.
- Happiness depends on our attitudes to life. 幸福取决于我们的人生态度。
- Youthfulness is a matter of attitude to life, not of the year of birth. 年轻是一种对生活的态度,而不是出生的年份。
- The greatest contribution of co-education is the healthy attitude to life it encourages. 男女共校制度的最大贡献是它所提倡的健康人生态度。
- Cigar smoking as well as tatses red wine is not only a remarkable art form but also a calm attitude to life. 抽好雪茄如品味上好的红酒,是一种非凡的艺术体验,更是一种从容的人生态度。
- His attitude to his job is rather casual. 他的工作态度不太认真。
- An elitist political campaign that could never play in Peoria. 政治精英的政治攻势不可能被选民接受
- Please always positive. Each man has his lovely place, but unlovable is not the only positive attitude to life. 请永远积极向上。每个男人都有他可爱的地方,但是不可爱的地方只有不积极面对生活。
- Perhaps the greatest contribution of coeducation is the healthy attitude to life it encourages. 也许男女同校教育的最大贡献在于其提倡健康的人生观。
- She shows a very positive attitude to her work. 她工作态度非常积极。
- Liu Yishun is an elitist in the folk religious world in the late Qing Dynasty. 刘仪顺是晚清民间宗教世界中的一位杰出人物。
- To know nothing and all-knowing attitude to think, is about to die and the dead immortality attitude to life. 以一无所知和无所不知的态度去思考;以即将赴死和永生不死的态度去生活.
- His attitude to ownership is rooted in communist ideology. 他的所有制观点源自共产主义思想。
- What is her attitude to the issue? 她对这个问题抱什么态度?