- An errant husband is one who leaves his wife for other women. 走邪路的丈夫是指离开自己的妻子去跟别的女人私通。
- An errant tweet.An erroneous Facebook post.A heated email exchange. 一声错误的大叫、在Facebook发布的一次错误信息,一封过激的电子邮件。
- an errant wind 飘忽不定的风
- The manager was no fool to be led blindly away by such an errant proposition as this, but his situation was peculiar. 经理可不傻,还不至于会盲目地被这样的一念之差引入岐途,但是他今天的情况特殊。
- She told me about this with the secretive giggling attitude of an errant schoolgirl. 她用一个逃学小学生的神秘态度格格笑着对我说了这件事。
- She jerks her head to toss an errant lock of hair out of her eyes and fixes him with a stony glare. 她甩了甩头,把落在眼前的一缕发甩开,用一种冷冷的眼神看着他。
- There was initial confusion, with reports saying Chen had been injured by an errant exploding firecracker. 有开始的混乱,藉由说陈的报告已经藉着周游的爆炸爆竹受伤。
- They are for looking at an errant child and saying that she understands and loves him or her without even saying a single word. 还有一双眼睛在这里,在头部前边儿,它们是用来关注一个误入歧途的孩子,尽管她默默无语,但那眼神表明她对这个孩子充满了理解,充满了爱。
- Where an errant knight named Wu Bi'rong lived in - who skillfully mastered the martial art and had a mercy mind of an errantry. 宅基有侠士名吴弼荣,武艺高超,侠义心肠。
- How will your application behave if an errant or malicious user enters a 10-megabyte MPEG file where your application expects a postal code? 如果一个用户在需要邮政编码的位置无意中或恶意地输入了一个10 MB的MPEG文件,应用程序会做出什么反应?
- An errant May-fly swerved unsteadily athwart the current in the intoxicated fashion affected by young bloods of May-flies seeing life. 一只漂在水上的蜉蝣,学着那些放荡不羁的纨绔子弟的样子,在河里横冲直撞地游着。
- She straightened from the rub board, smiled at me and with a sudsy left hand pushed back an errant strand of graying hair and said, "Tell me about it. 她离开那块搓衣板,伸直下腰,对我微笑着,举起那只粘满泡沫的左手把一缕白发捋好,说,“给我汇报一下吧。”
- Then, on a hot Las Vegas evening in September 2006, a new owner poked a hole in the painting with an errant elbow while showing the prize to unexpectedly shocked friends. 接着在2006年9月拉斯维加斯的酷热的一天,一个新的拥有者在向他的朋友们展示惊人价格的画作时,误将他的肘部在画作上捅了个洞。
- Pentagon officials said they think a Navy missile scored a direct hit on the fuel tank of an errant spy satellite late Wednesday, eliminating a toxic threat to people on Earth. 五角大楼官员说,他们认为海军的导弹在本周三成功地对一个偏离轨道的间谍卫星的燃料罐实施了直接攻击,消除了对于地球人的毒害威胁。
- Still, it's an ill wind; you will have an unexpected holiday. 不过,这也并非完全的不幸,你会享受到一次意外的休假。
- It may take an hour to wind off all the thread. 把所有线都松下需一个小时。
- The processor sifts reports from each wheel to find the most accurate average, signalling an errant tyre on a schematic of the wheel configuration on an LCD screen in the dash. 处理器审查每个轮子送来的报告,算出最精确的平均压力,在仪表板LCD显示屏的轮子配置示意图上指示出有问题的轮胎。
- It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good. 使人人遭殃的风才是恶风。
- An errant afternoon breeze. 午后飘忽不定的微风
- I gave him money as an inducement to leave. 我给他钱,诱使他离去。