- An exalted dedication to liberty. 为自由的崇高献身
- He received respect because he was a person of exalted rank. 他因为是个地位崇高的人而受到尊敬。
- an exalted rank 高位
- He has an exalted sense of his importance to the project. 他对自己在这个项目中的重要性有一夸大了的感觉。
- Many guests of exalted rank were present at that restaurant every day. 每天那家饭店都高朋满座。
- She was the only woman to rise to such an exalted position. 她是唯一高升到如此显赫地位的女人。
- He forced his way from a humble origin to an exalted position. 他丛微贱中奋斗而达到高位。
- Yes it is, but what could possibly happen to make someone in such an exalted position so sad? 没错,可是什么事能让像她这么有地位的人这么难过呢?
- The victorious students ran through the street in an exalted state of excitement. 得胜的学生们兴高采烈地跑过大街。
- There was a glow, an exaltation in her eyes. 这时她情绪高涨,眼睛发亮。
- Debt, such an exalted financing tool a little more than a year ago, is now a four-letter word. 债务,在一年前还是令人放心的金融工具,现在仅仅是个令人厌恶的词了。
- We provide part-time business persons and new invested enterprise an exalted working address. 为新投资创业企业和非全职办公的商务人士提供尊贵的办公地址。
- It's nothing personal, Sims. I'm firing you because it gives me an exalted sense of power over a defenseless human being. 解雇你不是我的个人意思,不过解雇人能给我一种临架于那些无助的被解雇者之上的兴奋感觉。
- Something like joy, an exalted joy, apart from the sorrows and joys of this world, flooded the bitter grief she felt within her. 仿佛有一种欢乐,一种不以这个世界的悲欢为转移的莫大的欢乐,透过她那极度悲痛的心情浮现出来。
- Attaining such an exalted stage of Krsna consciousness also implies broadcasting the message of Lord Caitanya throughout the world. 达到这样崇高的奎师那知觉阶段也意味着在全世界传播主柴坦尼亚的信息。
- An exalted kind of love between men is described which does not preclude admiration of physical beauty but which places higher esteem on love for beauty of soul. 他还描述了一种更为高尚的男人之间的爱,这种爱不是以肉体上的倾慕为前提的,而是更注重对心灵美的倾慕。
- "Compensation is based on an exalter of value for value. 他说:“薪资是基于等价交换。
- So can remind oneself, the ability of clear heart will get an exaltation. 这样就能提醒自己,明心的能力就会得到提高。
- The rank, office, or term of an archbishop. 大主教级别,大主教职务,大主教任期
- An exalted person who read the Bible every day is said to have remarked, “It is a wonderful book, but there are some very queer things in it”. 一位每天阅读圣经的地位崇高人士,据说曾说过这样的话,“这是一本奇妙的书,但是其中有些非常怪异的事”。