- Most applications using RC2 or RC4 with a 40 bit key will receive an export license with little difficulty. 利用40位密钥的RC2或RC4的多数应用获得出口许可证将没有多大困难。
- EXAMPLE: Applying for an export license involved so much rigamarole that we became quite frustrated. 申请出口许可证涉及如此繁琐的程序,以至于我们变得非常灰心丧气。
- For example, CTP is one of the factors that determine whether computers require an export license or qualify for a license exception. 例如,CTP是判断电脑是否需要出口许可证或符合许可证特例的要素之一。
- Article XIX: Anyone who counterfeits, alters, buys, or sells an export license shall have his legal liabilities investigated according to the law. 第十九条:伪造、变造或者买卖出口许可证的,依法追究法律责任。
- If an export license is used beyond the year, the expiration date of the validity of the export license shall be not in excess of the end of February next year. 因故需要更改、延期时,发证机构应受理经营者在出口许可证有效期内提出的申请。
- Article XIX : Anyone who counterfeits, alters, buys, or sells an export license shall have his legal liabilities investigated according to the law. 第十九条:伪造、变造或者买卖出口许可证的,依法追究法律责任。
- We are going to send you a full set of B/L,a commercial invoice,an export license,insurance policy,a certificate of inspection,a certificate of origin,consular invoice and our sight draft on you. 我们将给您寄去一整套的提单,商业发票,出口许可证,保险单,检验证,原产地证明书,领事发票及开经您方的即期汇票。
- We are going to send you a full set of B/L, a commercial invoice, an export license, insurance policy, a certificate of inspection, a certificate of origin, consular invoice and our sight draft on you. 赵:我们将给您寄去一整套的提单,商业发票,出口许可证,保险单,检验证,原产地证明书,领事发票及开经您方的即期汇票。
- And, once granted an export license, they are minimally supervised 而一旦获得出口许可,他们就很少受到监督了。
- Our machinery division mainly act as an export agent on a commission basis. 本公司机械处承担机械出口代理业务,以赚取佣金为主。
- We are an export company specializing in producing. 运动头盔出口企业。
- We are an export company specializing. 盔出口企业。
- Specifies that an export is data, not code. 关键字指定导出的是数据,而不是代码。
- Shanghai Flory is an export and manufacture compan. [纺织、皮革] [电子、电工] [家居用品] [办公文教] .
- Pure silk produced By our factory possesses export license. 本厂生产的真丝面料,持有出口许可证。
- We are going to send you a full set of B/ L, a commercial invoice, an export license, insurance policy, a certificate of inspection, a certificate of origin, consular invoice 赵:我们将给您寄去一整套的提单,商业发票,出口许可证,保险单,检验证,原产地证明书,领事发票及开经您方的即期汇票。
- In an export transaction it is likely that the question may arise. 在出口交易中大半会引起这样一个问题。
- Shanghai Migsam is an ISO 9001-2000 certified compounder.It is entitled with import and export license as well as international OEM trading license. 公司通过ISO9001-2000国际质量体系认证,并具有各类塑料的自主进口权和加工贸易权。
- Of the 200-odd pieces of equipment,19 needed a US Government export license. 这200多台设备和仪器中,有19台需要美国政府的出口许可证。
- We specialize in the import an export of Arts and Crafts. 我们专门经营工艺品的进出口。