- You must be an illiterate if you've never heard of Marx. 要是连马克思也没听说过,那你一定是个文盲。
- An illiterate, later he received some schooling. 他原来一字不识,后来学了一点文化。
- One who is unable to read; an illiterate. 不识字的人;文盲
- They made an illiterate out of my daughter. 他们使我女儿变成了文盲。
- An illiterate,later he received some schooling. 他原先大字不识一个,后来接受一些学校教育。
- Do you want to write a letter to an illiterate? 你要写信给一个文盲吗?
- an illiterate sentence 病句
- I was an illiterate in the old society, but now I can read. 我这个旧社会的文盲, 今天也认字了。
- Lenin said that "a communist society cannot be built in an illiterate country". 列宁说过:“在一个文盲充斥的国家内,是建成不了共产主义社会的。”
- Isn't it the same as sending newspapers and magazines to an illiterate? 这不是给文盲寄报刊吗?
- Just like LiuChangxiu,if she had not strived,she would still be an illiterate family woman. 就像刘长秀,如果她不争,目前不过是一个文盲家庭妇女而已。
- Even if I were an illiterate, rustic woman, it in no way detracts from my poetic qualities. I had neglected all these qualities previously. 即使我现在是个目不识丁的村妇,也不能稍减我诗人的品质,而这些却是我过去忽略的。
- The boy is an illiterate child. 那个孩子不识字。
- Learning to read is probably the most difficult and revolutionary thing that happens to the human brain and if you don't believe that,watch an illiterate adult try to do it. 识字读书也许是人的脑子碰上的最艰巨、变革性最大的事物。如果不信,看一看成年的文盲是怎样尝试识字的吧。
- He is an illiterate, but he knows “ taking jade ”, choosing a way to use other people's intelligence for their own profit, illiteracy likewise to become a millionaire! 他是一个文盲,可他却懂得“他山之石,可以攻玉”的道理,选准一条创业之路,利用别人的智慧为自己赚钱,文盲照样也能成为亿万富翁!
- Learning to read is probably the most difficult and revolutionary thing that happens to the human brain and if you don't believe that, watch an illiterate adult try to do it. 识字读书也许是人的脑子碰上的最艰巨、变革性最大的事物。 如果不信,看一看成年的文盲是怎样尝试识字的吧。
- Tom finished the sentence with an air of pique. 汤姆有些生气地说完这句话。
- He is an illiterate person. 他是一个文盲。
- He's an illiterate. 他目不识丁。