- an illness of long standing 长期疾病
- This is an evil of long standing. 这弊端由来已久。
- Her opposition to the plan is of long standing. 她对这一计划的反对是旷日持久的。
- This is a firm of long standing. 这是一家历史悠久的商号。
- They have a friendship of long standing. 他们有着多年的交情。
- Their acquaintance was of long standing. 他们相识多年。
- They are enemies of long standing. 他们是维持了很久的仇敌。
- That business partnership is of long standing. 那生意上的合理经营维持了很久。
- Their friendship is of long standing. 他们的友谊维持了很久。
- Their relationship is of long standing. 他们的关系维持了很久。
- The Times is a paper of long standing. 《泰晤士报》历史悠久。
- Our two countries whose friendship is of long standing. 我们两个国家是有着悠久友谊的邻邦。
- She is wasting away from an illness. 她因病消瘦了。
- In truth, this is not socialism, but an extension of long standing corporate welfarism. 实际上,这不是社会主义,而是长期的公司福利主义的延伸。
- The amities between Chinese and Mahican are of long standing . 中马人民之间的友好交往源远流长。
- It's often helpful during an illness to talk to other sufferers. 病中与同病者谈天常是有益的。
- We have no sympathy for the commoner disease - snobs but feeling exasperated because of their demand that they are different and should be respected for they are suffering from an illness of the rich. 至于那些常见病的势利者,由于得了富贵病而自认为与众不同,对他们则没有太多同情来缓和气恼了。
- His state of an illness is not become heavier at least. 至少他的病情没加重。
- One is the tale of an elderly female patient incarcerated in the Roscommon Regional Mental Hospital;the other is that of her (male) psychiatrist of long standing. 小说一边讲述被关在罗斯康芒郡精神病院的年长女病人的故事,一边讲述常年为她治疗的男精神病医师的故事。
- Any illness of the lungs or throat, such as asthma or a cough. 消耗病,痨病肺部或喉咙的任何一种病变,如哮喘或咳嗽