- If a dependent clause precedes an independent clause put a comma after the dependent clause. 如果主句在前从句在后那么主句后要用逗号。
- When an independent clause and a dependent lause are joined together, they form one complex sentence. 是由一个独立的句子加一个从句构成的。
- Consisting of an independent clause and at least one other independent or dependent clause. Used of a sentence. 复合句的包含一个独立主句和至少一个独立或非独立从句的。用于句子
- First part of an independent clause essential clause or phrase with the rest of the independent clause [. 单句的一部分不可省略的从句或短语句子的另一部分[.
- Use a conjunction to turn an independent clause into a dependent one and to make explicit how the clauses are related. 那就是使用连词把独立句变成非独立(从句),并且将(从句与主句的)关系交待清楚。)
- An independent man, Peter never goes with the tide. 彼得是个有主见的人,从不随大流。
- An independent country that is very small in area and population. 超小国家一个面积狭小,人口极少的独立国家
- He is a programmer in an independent company. 他是一个独立公司的程序员。
- Bruce Tate is an independent consultant and author. Bruce Tate是一位独立顾问和作家。
- L'COM is an independent communication kit. L'COM是独立的通讯工具。
- Each row represents an independent set of criteria. 其中每一行都代表一个独立的条件集。
- He is now an independent consultant and coach. 他现在是一名独立顾问和培训师。
- These form an independent category. 这些形成一个独立的范畴。
- EST is an independent variety of English. 科技英语是英语中一种独立的文体。
- The organization is for an independent Ireland. 这个组织主张爱尔兰独立。
- The second doctor prepares an independent analysis. 第二位医生必须提出独立的分析。
- Because China is an independent country. 就是因为中国是独立自主的国家。
- If a dependent clause, or an introductory phrase requiring to be set off by a comma, precedes the second independent clause, no comma is needed after the conjunction. 如果在第二个独立子句之前有一独立子句,或是一个需要以逗号隔开的起始片语,在该连接词之后不需要逗号。
- Why an Independent Food Testing Laboratory? 为什么需要一个独立的食品检测实验室?
- Statements consisting of only one independent clause that conveys a single idea are easier to understand and easier to verify or test. 一个语句只包含一个独立子句,只传达一个想法时,更易于理解、检验和测试。