- an insecure foothold 不稳固的立足点
- an insecure foothold. 不稳固的立足点
- A login request has been requested over an insecure link. 在不安全的链接上提出登录请求。
- This has swollen the ranks of an insecure economic underclass. 这使得缺乏保障的经济下层阶级队伍变得日益庞大。
- She had money and as much security as one could hope for in an insecure world. 她如今已经有了钱,也有了在这个不安定的世界上可望得到的安全。
- Like an insecure teenager, we shout obscenities, mistaking disdain for interest. 喜欢一个不安全的青少年,我们呼喊淫秽,为兴趣犯错轻蔑。
- Rather, he was a good listener who enjoyed female company, yet essentially an insecure child who had not grown up. 相反,他是一个很好的倾听者,喜欢有女性作伴,但他基本上是个尚未长大的、缺乏自信的孩子。
- Chaplin acted the part of his tramp as an insecure fellow, always running in trouble but coming out of each situation with pride nuhurt. 卓别林扮演的这个小流浪汉是一个爱捅漏子而又无依无靠的人,总是遇到麻烦但又能摆脱困难,但其自尊心又不受伤害。
- This is an insecure document that is not encrypted and offers no security protection. 这是一个没有加密、没有提供安全性保护的不安全文档。
- Remember that programs designed to run in a secure environment can be copied to an insecure environment. 请记住,为在安全环境下运行而设计的程序可能被复制到不安全的环境中。
- Alice sends Bob her public key over an insecure network and Bob uses this key to encrypt a message. 小红通过不安全的网络将她的公钥发送给小明,小明接着使用该密钥加密消息。
- Normal leaf-spring suspensions would teeter back and forth, causing an insecure feeling for the driver. 师范板簧悬架将蒂特来回,造成一种不安全的感觉司机。
- If Mr Wolfowitz is an overconfident thinker, he also seems an insecure manager, too impressed by bumptious aides. 如果沃氏是一名自负的思想者,那他似乎也是一位不那么自信的管理者,受到傲慢自负的助手们过多的影响。
- The method includes executing an insecure routine and receiving a request from the insecure routine. 该方法包括执行一不安全例程并接收来自该不安全例程的请求。
- Chaplin acted the part of his tramp as an insecure fellow,always running in trouble but coming out of each situation with pride unhurt. 卓别林扮演的这个小流浪汉是一个爱捅漏子而又无依无靠的人,总是遇到麻烦但又能摆脱困难,但其自尊心又不受伤害。
- If you are about to send information (such as your credit card number) to an insecure site, Internet Explorer can warn you that the site is not secure. 要将信息(例如信用卡号码)发送到不安全的站点,Internet Explorer 会警告您该站点不安全。
- The computer system (400A-B) includes a processor (404) configurable to execute a secure routine and an insecure routine. 计算机系统(400A-B)包括可配置用来执行安全例程和不安全例程的处理器(404)。
- An insecure man gets jealous and a man who is not insecure won't. So watch out for these tests because they happen all the time. 不可靠的男人会妒忌,而可靠的男人则不会。所以,要当心这些测试,因为它们无时不在。
- It is not easy to get a foothold as an anchorman. 一个电视节目主持人要站住脚可不容易。
- You have requested an insecure document that was originally designated a secure document (the location has been redirected from a secure to an insecure document). 您请求了一个原先安全但现在不安全的文档(其地址已从安全文档被重定向到一个不安全的文档)。