- We missed the train because we used an out of date timetable. 我们没赶上火车,因为我们误用了一张过期的火车时刻表。
- Law #8: An out of date virus scanner is only marginally better than no virus scanner at all. 久未更新的杀毒软件略胜于不安装杀毒软件。
- The dresses on show are out of date. 展出的服装都过时了。
- If an aeroplane's flying it's already out of date. 正在飞行中的飞机就已经是过时的。
- A passport that is out of date is invalid. 护照过期是无效的。
- Cassette tape recorders are out of date now. 现在,盒式磁带录音机过时了。
- Your software is out of date:time for an upgrade! 你的软件已经过期了,是时候升级了。
- Your software is out of date: time for an upgrade! 你的软件已经过时了,是时候升升级了!
- If an aeroplane's flying it's already out of date . 正在飞行中的飞机就已经是过时的。
- He wore an out of date hat. 他戴了一顶过时的帽子。
- Will denim jeans ever go out of date? 粗布牛仔裤会过时吗?
- Fixed an out of synch involving nukes. 修订核武器的一个不同步问题。
- Oh yes, but you do not get the main point, their product is out of date. 哦,是的,但是你没有抓住要点,他们的产品都老化了。
- A lot of new words go out of date very quickly. 不少新词很快就不通用了。
- Fixed an out of synch related to amphibious warfare. 修订了两栖作战的一个不同步问题。
- My driver's license is out of date. 我的驾驶执照过期了。
- Such theory has long gone out of date. 这种理论早已陈旧了。
- Your handbag is out of date this year. 你的手提包今年过时了。
- This atlas has gone out of date. 这份地图册已经过时了。
- This encyclopedia has gone out of date. 这部百科全书已过时了。