- An outward show of confidence concealed his nervousness. 他表现出很有信心的样子以掩盖内心的紧张。
- Relating to or involving outward form or structure. 外形的,形式的关于或涉及事物外在形式或结构的
- The two things are the same in outward form but different in essence. 那两样东西在外表上相同,但在本质上不同。
- A protruding part;an outward curve or swelling. 膨胀、肿胀凸出部分,向外鼓胀的部分
- Wales has always been an outward looking nation. 威尔士一直是一片对外开放的乐土。
- Marked by an outward flow of current. 被外流的水流打上标记的
- The teacher made an outward show of disapproval. 老师表面上表示不同意。
- A protruding part; an outward curve or swelling. 膨胀、肿胀凸出部分,向外鼓胀的部分海底变曲部。
- 5 Having an outward form of godliness, though denying its power; from these also turn away. 提后三5有敬虔的外形,却否认了敬虔的能力;这等人你要躲开。
- The rituals of ancestor worship provide a form of religion and are both natural and justifiable because all beliefs must have an outward symbol and form. 崇拜祖先的礼仪产生了一种宗教的形式,这是很自然而且很正常的,因为一切的信仰都须有一种外表的象征和形式。
- A deceptively attractive external appearance; an outward show. 虚饰,外表骗人的吸引人的外表;外在的表现
- These two things are the same in outward form but different in essence. 这两样东西外表相同但本质不一样。
- A leg having an outward curvature in the region of the knee. 弓形腿在膝盖处外弯的腿
- The philosopher is in advance of his age even in the outward form of his life. 哲学家甚至在生活的外形上也是处在时代前列的。
- She simply observes the outward forms of religion. 她只是表面上信教而已。
- Concept: Fellowship is an outward and joint expression of faith. 概念:相交是一种对信心的向外和联合的表达。
- Outward forms the inward man reveals. 外在行为是人内心的体现。
- His yellow clothes had seemed an outward sign of some disorder. 他的黄色衣服显得外表凌乱。
- an outward form 外表[貌]
- In the Hesychast tradition, the mystery of theosis has most often taken the outward form of a vision of light. 在静修传统中,神化的奥?通常总是与看见神光联系在一起。