- He has an ulterior motive for wanting to see her. 他想见她是别有用心的。
- He has an ulterior object in view. 他心怀鬼胎,他别有用心。
- I have an ulterior motive in offering to help you. 我主动提出要帮助你是有私心的。
- His conduct points to an ulterior motive. 他的行为说明他有不可告人的动机。
- an ulterior region 遥远的地区
- They are probably not sincere and have an ulterior motive. 因为他们并不诚挚,而且可能别有用心。
- Menace lurks everywhere, and every agenda hides an ulterior motive. 危机四伏,每一个议程都有深远的目的。
- She definitely had an ulterior motive in offering to help. 她主动提出帮忙, 肯定有不可告人的动机。
- He has an ulterior motive for seeing her; he's going to ask for some money. 他来看望她是别有用心,他是来要钱的。
- He has an ulterior motive for seeing her;he's going to ask for some money. 他来看望她是别有用心,他是来要钱的。
- I should have recalled that you are just like me and that you never do anything without an ulterior motive. 我本来应当记得你这个人跟我一样,做任何事情都不会没有一个隐秘的动机。
- Whenever any news is given let us think whether it will be true and whether the channel has an ulterior motive. 不管新闻是何时公布的,我们应该想想它是不是真的或者这个媒体有没有什么故意隐瞒的动机。。。
- Learning for learning's sake is an outdated concept. Today, education must serve an ulterior purpose and be directed toward clear goals. 为了学习而学习已经是过时的理念。现在的教育必须是面向未来并且有明确的目标。
- Learning for learnings sake is an outdated concept. Today, education must serve an ulterior purpose and be directed toward clear goals. 研究历史的主要的好处是打破人们认为在一个时期的人们和历史上任何其他时期的人们迥然不同的幻觉。
- Similarly, as a result of the act itself is usually hidden motive and had an ulterior motive, so you may be using friends, play down. 同样的情况下,由于本身的行事动机通常隐密而别具用心,所以你可能会被朋友利用、贬低。
- Consumers quite rightly believe, until they're shown otherwise, that every brand has an ulterior motive: to sell something. 除非目睹到其他事证,否则消费者自然认定每个品牌都别有所图:要把东西卖出去。
- He is an authority in the region of chemistry. 他是化学界的权威。
- I start from the principle that people are people and that any attempt to render them otherwise probably has an ulterior motive, such as laying the groundwork to fight them. 我的理论起点是,人就是人,而任何试图把他们变成其它样子的行为都可能另有目的,例如,为了与之交战而做前期准备。
- I gave him money as an inducement to leave. 我给他钱,诱使他离去。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。