- The evening was an unmitigated disaster. 这一晚完全是一场灾难。
- Bush has been an unmitigated disaster. 但对北京来说却并非如此。
- an unmitigated villain 彻头彻尾的恶棍
- The Swiss system, for its part, seems to be an unmitigated success. 瑞士的方案,由于分部推进,取得了绝对的成功。
- It was an unmitigated disaster for him as a perfectionist! 这是一个缓和的灾难,他是一个完美!
- His married life has been an unmitigated hell, with the insane Mrs. 她出身于一个满是疯子和弱智者的家庭。
- His married life has been an unmitigated hell,with the insane Mrs. 精神失常的罗切斯特太太被锁了起来,由格雷斯&%238226;
- The upshot was neither an unmitigated success nor an unmitigated failure. 这一结果既非完全的成功也未彻底的失败。
- We are much too apt to look at schism in our church as an unmitigated evil. 我们很容易把自己教会中的分派看成是一种十恶不赦的罪恶。
- For the people living near it, the new road has been an unmitigated disaster. 对住在附近的人们来讲,新公路成为十足的灾难。
- I gather by what you have not said that he's an unmitigated scoundrel. 听你的言外之意,他是个不折不扣的恶棍。
- For them, as for much of China, the Olympics was an unmitigated success. 对他们,也更多的对中国来说,奥运会是一次完全的胜利。
- For owners of the obsolete businesses this is an unmitigated disaster. 对那些从事过时产业的企业主来说,新技术将是十足的灾难。
- I gather by what you have not said that he's an unmitigated scoundrel . 听你的言外之意,他是个不折不扣的恶棍。
- Responsiveness of each paper to its own social group was not an unmitigated advantage for society. 各报对于它自己所属的社会集团的关心,对于整个社会而言却并不是十分有益的事情。
- He is an unmitigated liar! 他是个十足的撒谎精!
- If you don't know it and rashly enter the realm, you may suffer an unmitigated disaster. 如果你没有搞清状况就贸然而入,很可能会一败涂地。
- So perhaps our political obsession with thenext by-election results is not an unmitigated boon. 所以,我们对于下一轮补缺选举的结果产生的政治迷惑或许也不是什么好事。
- For the rich lamas and secular lords, the Communist intervention was an unmitigated calamity. 对富裕的喇嘛以及领主来说,共产党的介入无异于一场无法化解的灾难。
- In my opinion, anything that stops cyclists breeding is to be welcomed as an unmitigated good. 但这帮人蹬起自行车的那一刻,就不是那么回事儿了。