- We are seeing unemployment on an unprecedented scale. 我们现在正经历规模空前的失业现象。
- Transport developed on an unprecedented scale. 交通建设空前发展。
- We are now seeing unemployment on an unprecedented scale. 我们现在正看到规模空前的失业现象。
- Transport developed on an unprecedented scale, and a comprehensive modern transport system began to take shape. 交通建设空前发展,现代综合运输体系初步形成。
- Transport developed on an unprecedented scale,and a comprehensive modern transport system began to take shape. 交通建设空前发展,现代综合运输体系初步形成。
- In 2000, China's diplomatic work featured vigorous activities on an unprecedented scale. 中国2000年外交工作的一大特点是多边外交空前活跃。
- Flooding, disease and famine and from that migration on an unprecedented scale and in areas of already high tension. 洪水、疾病、饥荒以及因此而带来的史无前例的人口迁移,这些问题引发的矛盾在一些地区已经处于白热化。
- Deforestation is causing a loss of biological diversity on an unprecedented scale. 砍伐森林正引发规模空前的生物多样性缺失。
- Jiang Zemin concluded that expediting the development of the west region represents a huge systemic project and also an arduous historical task of an unprecedented scale. 江泽民最后说,加快开发西部地区,是一个巨大的系统工程, 也是空前艰难的历史任务。
- Jiang Zemin concluded that expediting the development of the west region represents a huge systemic project and also an arduous historical task of an unprecedented scale. 江泽民最后说,加快开发西部地区,是一个巨大的系统工程, 也是空前艰难的历史任务。
- Similarly, it is difficult to imagine the current account deficit of the United States, already of an unprecedented scale, growing and sustaining itself for very much longer. 同样,我们亦难以想像美国目前处于前所未有的高位的经常帐赤字会继续增加而仍能持续下去。
- The vast multitude of Chinese books are now stored in digital libraries. Computer science has enabled cultures based in Chinese to spread on an unprecedented scale. 浩如烟海的中国典籍,正被存储入数字图书馆中,计算机科学使汉字文化得到前所未有的广泛传播。
- Facing an unprecedented scale of attack, Mulan was vastly outnumbered, and both her love and brevity were put to the ultimate test. 面对来自柔然的前所未有的大规模的进攻,木兰的军队处于极度劣势,她的爱情和勇敢都面临着最艰难的考验。
- Contemporary natural science is being applied to production on an unprecedented scale and with unprecedented speed. This has given all fields of material production an entirely new look. 当代的自然科学正以空前的规模和速度,应用于生产,使社会物质生产的各个领域面貌一新。
- Of course, it was an unprecedented mission. 当然有,这可是一项空前的任务呢。
- The vice-president said that in the 20th century humankind created tremendous material and spiritual wealth in an unprecedented scale and simultaneously experienced tragic hot wars and the prolonged Cold War. 胡锦涛说,在刚刚过去的20世纪,人类创造了前所未有的巨大的物质和精神财富,同时也经历了惨烈热战和长期冷战的磨难。
- Expenditure raced up to an unprecedented level. 开支剧增,达到空前的水平。
- It is estimated that the number of people attending the conference will surpass 10,000, among whom about 1000 foreign businessmen and representatives of agencies in China were invited having an unprecedented scale. 洽谈会参会人数预计将超过万人,其中邀请海外客商、驻华机构代表约一千人,规模将超过以往。
- The enormous amount of debt, a lack of adequate business capital, excessive borrowing on land and securities, and installment borrowing by individuals on an unprecedented scale make the currently unstable situation totally vulnerable to a Depression. 极巨大的债项、欠缺足够的企业资本、过多的土地和保证借贷,以及前所未有的高个人分期借款比率,导致现在的局面不稳定并极容易进入大衰退的局面。