- aneurysmal hematoma [医] 动脉瘤样血肿, 假动脉瘤
- The hematoma will usually subside in time. 血肿通常随时间消逝。
- Abdominal CT scan revealed a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm with a peritoneal and retroperitoneal hematoma with abscess formation. 腹部电脑断层扫描显示腹主动脉瘤破裂同时腹腔及徒腹腔有血肿及脓疡形成。
- The same patient a few weeks later. The hematoma is much smaller. The false aneurysm is also smaller. 同一病人数周后,血肿变小,假性动脉瘤也变小。
- An aneurysm is a localised widening of an artery. 大约5%25到10%25的年龄在65岁至79岁的男性患有腹主动脉瘤,但是他们不知道。
- Any hematoma may indicate a vascular injury; and. 任何血肿要怀疑血管损伤。
- Hematoma compression and tracheomal acia etc. 血肿压迫、气管软化等是甲状腺手术并发急性呼吸道梗阻常见原因。
- Surgical ligation of the aneurysm was performed on the next day. 因此在发病次日进行血管瘤结扎手术。
- Evacuation of Intracerebral Hematoma Is Likely to Be Beneficial? 血肿清除有可能成为脑出血患者的有效治疗方法吗?
- Traumatic spinal subdural hematoma is a rare entity. 摘要外伤性脊髓硬脑膜下腔血肿是一种少见的疾病。
- Radiological studies showed a subperiosteal hematoma. 在此,我们报导一个罕见的病例。
- The aneurysm regressed spontaneously after the ensuing five months. 冠状动脉瘤在五个月后自然消退。
- The vessel involved by aneurysm were ligated in its healthy part. 对动脉瘤动脉的正常段进行结扎。
- All the aneurysmal cavities were occluded after dacron wrapping. 涤纶片包裹动脉瘤腔全部闭塞。
- When no hematoma formed, hemorrhage would not worsen the prognosis. 在不形成血肿的情况下,出血不会导致预后恶化。
- But all of these studies depend on reliable aneurysmal models. 而这些研究都依赖于建立可信的动脉瘤模型。
- Of the 5 patients with pons hematoma, hematoma was totally removed. 第四脑室底部桥脑出血5例,血肿量5-15ml,血肿全部清除。
- No infection, hematoma, leakage or s kin necrosis was encountered. 无感染、血肿、渗漏及皮肤坏死等并发症发生。
- Intraoperative Hypothermia for Aneurysm Surgery Trial. 手术中低温下动脉瘤手术试验。
- IVUS showed hyperechoic or equal echogenic of the hematoma. 血肿压迫血管腔可形成不同程度梗阻。