- anhydrous gypsum plaster 硬石膏灰泥
- A rigid board made of layers of fiberboard or paper bonded to a gypsum plaster core, used instead of plaster or wood panels in construction to form walls. 石膏灰泥板,灰胶纸柏板由石膏灰泥作芯板结合几层纤维板或纸浆板制成的硬板,在建筑中用于代替灰泥或木板来建造墙壁
- The water absorption of hardened gypsum plaster with the additive was reduced less than 3.10%. 该复合型石膏防水剂可使石膏制品的长期防水性能显著提高。
- A rigid board made of layers of fiberboard or paper bonded to a gypsum plaster core,used instead of plaster or wood panels in construction to form walls. 石膏灰泥板,灰胶纸柏板由石膏灰泥作芯板结合几层纤维板或纸浆板制成的硬板,在建筑中用于代替灰泥或木板来建造墙壁。
- A rigid board made of layers of fiberboard or paper bondedto a gypsum plaster core, used instead of plaster or wood panels in construction to form walls. 石膏灰泥板,灰胶纸柏板由石膏灰泥作芯板结合几层纤维板或纸浆板制成的硬板,在建筑中用于代替灰泥或木板来建造墙壁。
- Using a Chinese and a German Beta-hemihydrate gypsum plaster the suitability of bagasse, bamboo, cotton stems, rice straw and wheat straw was investigated. 制板时采用不同的配方和板的密度,以评价一年生植物的使用价值。
- Gypsum Plasters, Investment Materials for use in Dental. 牙科用石膏敷料等。
- Effect of anhydrous gypsum on performance of Potland cement 硬石膏对硅酸盐水泥性能的影响
- Gypsum plaster for building purposes 建筑石膏
- Performance of decorative gypsum plaster board and its evaluation 装饰纸面石膏板性能及其评价
- Developing trend of gypsum plaster board industry in China 我国纸面石膏板行业的发展趋势
- Phylogeny and actuality of gypsum plaster board in China 我国纸面石膏板的发展历程及现状
- Experimental study on whitening low grade gypsum with anhydrous gypsum and high strength gypsum 无水石膏与高强石膏对低品位石膏增白的实验研究
- Standard Specification for Application of Interior Gypsum Plaster 室内石膏水泥的应用技术规范
- His broken leg was encased in plaster. 他折的腿打上了石膏。
- The plaster had started to come away from the wall. 灰泥已经开始从墙上脱落。
- Production quality control of light weight high strength gypsum plaster board 轻质离强纸面石膏板的生产质量控制
- Put a plaster on the sore once a day. 把这膏药每日一次敷贴患处。
- They tried to plaster over the differences. 他们试图掩盖分歧。
- anhydrous gypsum 无水石膏