- animal environmental hygiene 家畜环境卫生学
- The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department has been set up under the Environment and Food Bureau to provide services in the areas of food safety and environmental hygiene. 食物环境卫生署隶属环境食物局,负责提供与食物安全和环境卫生有关的服务。
- On food safety and environmental hygiene, a new Environment and Food Bureau will be set up to oversee all the related functions. 新的环境食物局将会成立,负责监督各项与食物安全和环境卫生有关的工作。
- On food safety and environmental hygiene,a new Environment and Food Bureau will be set up to oversee all the related functions. 新的环境食物局将会成立,负责监督各项与食物安全和环境卫生有关的工作。
- The recent cases of "bird flu" and cholera underline the need for the community and the government to be on the alert at all times,and pay attention to personal and environmental hygiene,so that all of us can have a clean environment to work and live in. 近期发生的禽流感和霍乱个案,在在显示出,市民及政府都要不时警醒,努力搞好个人及环境卫生,让大家有一个清洁的居住及工作环境。
- School health inspectors visit schools regularly regarding environmental hygiene and sanitation. 此外,学校卫生督察定期到学校视察,就环境卫生问题向校方提供意见。
- The Urban and Regional Services Departments provide refuse collection services and maintain environmental hygiene. 市政总署和区域市政总署负责提供收集垃圾的服务、并保持环境卫生。
- That is important to ensure that we improve food handling and environmental hygiene. 重组是非常重要的,可确保改善食物的处理方法和提高环境卫生。
- In an effort to improve environmental hygiene,the Government launched a new Clean Hong Kong programme in December 2000. 为改善环境卫生情况,政府在二零零零年十二月展开全新的清洁香港计划。
- How it tackles the environmental hygiene problems arising from poor maintenance of private streets? 政府如何跟进因私家街道维修保养工作差劣而引致的环境生问题?
- Its responsibilities included safeguarding environmental hygiene and public health as well as providing cultural services and venues and recreational programmes and facilities. 该局的职责包括保障环境卫生和公众健康,以及提供文娱服务和场地、康乐活动和设施。
- The Advisory Council on Food and Environmental Hygiene has been set up to give advice and to monitor the Government's work in food safety and environmental hygiene. 此外,政府亦成立了食物及环境卫生谘询委员会,就食物安全和环境卫生事宜,向政府提供意见和监察有关工作。
- We have two major areas of responsibilities: environmental hygiene services and food and public health services. 本署的工作分为两大类:环境衞生服务和食物及公共衞生服务。
- Team Clean releases its final report on long-term measures to improve environmental hygiene in Hong Kong. 全城清洁策划小组发表长远改善香港环境衞生措施的总结报告。
- The Food Environmental Hygiene Department has been continuously promoting food safety to the trade and public. 食物环境衞生署一直致力向业界及市民推广食物安全。
- The Government will also assist the councils in promoting cultural, recreational and sports activities and in monitoring local environmental hygiene. 此外,政府会协助区议会推广地区文娱康体活动,以及监察区内的环境卫生情况。
- No smoking, no eating and no drinking. Maintain environmental hygiene and cleaness. 一、场内严禁吸烟和吃零食、喝饮料,保持环境卫生。
- Do you agree to centralizing the affairs related to food safety and environmental hygiene? 你赞唔赞成政府将食物安全同环境卫生事务收归中央?
- Remind dormitory students to maintain personal hygiene as well as environmental hygiene in dorms. 提醒住宿学生在宿舍要保持个人卫生及环境卫生。
- Environment conditions an animal's development. 环境能影响动物的成长。