- On the image retaining and conversion of animal similes and metaphors in E-C translation 论英译汉中动物比喻的形象保留与转换
- animal similes and metaphors 动物比喻
- You will find you can use similes and metaphors to create powerful images. 你将会发现运用明喻和暗喻能创造出强有力的图像。
- There are so many contaminants, similes and metaphors in cytopathology. It is important to know what are they even you do not know the exact name of them. 细胞病理学中有很多污染物,或明显或隐晦。重要的是知道它是污染,即使不知道确切的名字。
- What images would you use to describe emotions like love or fear? Or to describe your local shopping street or countryside? Try describing these using similes and metaphors. 你会用什么图像来描述爱情或者恐惧这样的情绪?或者用什么(图像)来描述当地购物街或农村?请尝试用明喻和暗喻来描述。
- Translating Similes and Metaphors of English Idioms 英语习语中的比喻及其翻译方法
- English major: you explicate simile and metaphor in the parachute instructions. 英文系学生:阐述降落伞说明书里的明喻和隐喻。
- Some Wonderful Similes and Metaphors Used in Scientific Philosophy 科学哲学中的几个精妙比喻
- In the aspect of rhetoric , exaggeration and special imagination were less used while descriptive simile and metaphor appeared . 在修辞手法上面,李白晚期诗歌较少运用前期大胆的夸张、奇特的想象这类修辞手法,而较多地运用细致的描写、恰当的比喻这样一些比较平实的手法。
- Translation of Puns, Nonce Words, Parodies, Similes and Metaphors in English Advertisements 浅谈广告英语中双关语、杜撰词、仿拟、明喻和暗喻的翻译
- A Contrastive Study of Simile and Metaphor on English and Chinese Animal Words 英汉动物比喻用词异同比较
- All similes and allegories concerning her began and ended with birds. 要比仿她,要模拟她,总得以鸟类始,还得以鸟类终。
- A Review on Simile And Metaphor in English 英语中的比喻
- Translation of English Simile and Metaphor 英语比喻的翻译
- On the Translation of Extended Simile and Metaphor 扩展比喻翻译探析
- The generalized terms has a feature of hollowness and metaphor. 股票用语的泛化方式主要有“专业意义空心化”和“专业意义隐喻化”。
- How does the writer use imagery, symbol and metaphor? 这位作者如何使用意象、象征与比喻?
- The Structures and Characteristics of English Simile and Metaphor 英语中的比喻结构的特征
- The Form and Translation of English Simile and Metaphor 英语中明喻和暗喻的形式及翻译
- A Tentative Analysis on the Differences and Similarities of Simile and Metaphor 小议明喻和隐喻的差别与联系