- A long, animated conversation or discussion. 长时间的闲谈长时间的热烈交谈或讨论
- On entering his room I found Holmes in animated conversation with two men. 我走进福尔摩斯的房间时,看见他正和两个人谈得很热烈。
- One of the cipher clerks came out and engaged our escort in animated conversation. 有一个译电员走出来与我们的陪同人员热烈地交谈起来。
- An animated conversation ensued -doubtless about the day's events on the Stock Exchange. 热闹的谈话就开始,不用说是议论交易所市场的情形。
- There is no need to give a prolonged detail of the animated conversation which ensued during the rest of the banquet. 这种生动的谈话,一直进行到筵席结束,但是我想不必浪费笔墨了。
- They embarked on an animated conversation which soon made them feel even more drawn to each other. "二人你言我语;十来句后;越觉亲密起来.;"
- Teacher Festival, then in animated conversation, the most flamboyant of the Teacher's Day should not be abolished, so I am accident. 教师节后话,七嘴八舌中,最出风头的是该不该取消教师节,令我深感意外。
- John L. Sullivan, the pugilist, was at one end of the glittering bar, surrounded by a company of loudly dressed sports, who were holding a most animated conversation. 那个著名的拳击家约翰 - 沙立文正站在酒柜的一端,周围站着许多服装鲜艳的运动员,他们正在热烈交谈。
- Until the moment the Parisian shop assistant eyed my English boarding school figure with that unique hauteur that only Parisian shop assistants can muster, and began an animated conversation. 直到那个售货员带着巴黎店员特有的傲慢,打量着我在英格兰寄宿学校养成的身材,开始饶有兴味地问东问西。
- be having an animated conversation 谈兴正浓
- This is an amicable mood conversation. 这是一次亲切友好的交谈。
- The plan grew out of a casual conversation. 这个计划出自于一次非正式的谈话。
- We spent many hours in a pleasant conversation. 我们畅谈了好几个小时。
- She has a mercurial turn of conversation. 她谈话善转话锋。
- Their conversation was full of blasphemy. 他们的谈话中充满了渎犯神灵的言词。
- I'll certainly be most discreet in my conversation. 我在谈话中当然会十分小心的。
- Don't barge in on our conversation. 在我们交谈时别嘴。
- Her words animated us to greater efforts. 她的话激励我们作出更大努力。
- Don't break into their conversation. 不要打断他们的谈话。
- He broke short the conversation. 他突然停止了谈话。