- The growth of hypogeal stem contain tri-growth, and the anomalous secondary growth is the result of supernumerary cambium that derived from the outmost elements of secondary phloem. 地下茎加粗过程中形成三生结构,其异常结构是由于次生韧皮部外侧发生的额外形成层所致,其起源于薄壁细胞;
- The anomalous secondary thickening is by means of a succession of bidirectional cambia. 其异常的次生生长是由维管柱外围发生的异常形成层通过正常的活动方式完成的。
- The anomalous secondary thickening was studied in the root of medicinal species of Achyranthes bidentata B1. 本文报道了药用植物牛滕根的异常次生生长。
- The anomalous secondary structure of Rorippa islandica (Oed.)Borb. in the different development period of its root corresponded to its physiological activities. 风花菜根不同发育时期的异常次生结构是与其生理活动相适应的。
- The pattern of the secondary growth of the soybean root is similar to that of most dicots. 大豆根次生生长的类型和多数双子叶植物相似。
- The secondary growth mainly depended the activity of the vascular cambium and cork cambium. 初生分生组织包括根冠原、表皮原、皮层原和中柱原;
- Secondary growth encompasses all growth in diameter, a major component of woody plant tissues and many nonwoody plants. 根的维管组织与茎不一样。茎的维管束木质部韧皮部呈束状排列在同一半径上。
- Secondary growth occurs at the lateral meristems, namely the vascular cambium and cork cambium. 木质部韧皮部相间排列,外抵中柱鞘。而此两者都来源于中柱鞘。
- A lateral meristem in most vascular plants that forms parallel rows of cells resulting in secondary tissues either as secondary growth or as cork. 形成层大多数导管植物中靠近边缘的分生组织,它形成植物细胞组成的平行的行列,导致产生二次组织、二次增生或长成软木
- Induced development effect; boomtown effect The secondary growth of settlements and infrastructure, resulting from a project. 引发发展效应;繁荣城镇效应由一个项目带来的居民区和基础设施的间接增长。
- In nonwoody plants it is the only food-conducting tissue, but in mature plants with secondary growth this function is taken over by the secondary phloem. 在尚未木质化的植物中,它是唯一的输送有机营养的组织,但在具有次生生长的成熟植物体中,该功能由次生韧皮部行使。
- In nonwoody plants the primary xylem is the only water-conducting tissue, but in mature plants with secondary growth this function is mostly taken over by the secondary xylem. 在尚未木质化的植物中,初生木质部是唯一的输水组织,但在具有次生生长的成熟植物中,该功能大多由次生木质部行使。
- In damaged stems and roots, and in those undergoing secondary growth, it is replaced by a secondary layer, the periderm. 已损伤的茎和根,以及进行次生生长的根茎中,表皮被次生层即周皮代替。
- The relation between the secondary growth of inner-layer type (SGi) and seed clove storage temperature appeard to be a V-shaped curve. 内层型二次生长(SGi)与蒜种贮藏温度呈‘V’型曲线关系。
- Combined with every aspects of research in this paper that Cassia bicapsularis is suit to become the model plant on heredity, aberrance, secondary growth and so on. 结合本论文研究的各个方面来看,双荚决明适合于作为木本植物的遗传变异、次生生长等方面研究的模式植物
- In plants with secondary growth, the vascular cambium, originating between the xylem and the phloem, forms a cylinder of tissue along the stem and root. 而在双子叶和单子叶植物的排列又有所区别。中柱鞘是初生分生组织。它是侧根,木栓的发源。同时,根的次级生长,主要是维管束的次级生长,也是中柱鞘运动的结果。
- Arabidopsis TCH4 gene plays an important role in the biological processes related to plant secondary growth, resistance to pathogen, and adaptation to environmental stresses. TCH4基因在植物次生生长、疾病抵抗和逆境适应方面具有重要作用, 能被多种激素、环境和机械信号诱导表达。
- It is a lateral meristem and contains fusiform initials giving rise to secondary xylem and phloem and ray initials giving rise to medullary rays.See also secondary growth. 维管形成层属于侧生分生组织,包括能够产生次生木质部与次生韧皮部的纺锤状形成层原始细胞和产生髓射线的射线原始细胞。
- G2 is a software platform for evaluating user specified models of secondary growth in trees. An interactive 3D visualisation tool is included for analysis of output data. G2是用于评价用户说明的树状二级模型的一个软件平台。包括一个交互式的3D可视化工具来分析输出数据。