- He held off from answering directly. 他迟迟不作直接答复。
- He refused to answer directly, saying his concern when dealing with the economy is not politics but the welfare of the American people. 他拒绝直接回答,声称在处理与经济相关的问题时,他所关注的不是政治,而是美国人民的福利。
- I guess even back then I knew how dumb it was, but I suppose I wanted to hear the answer directly from someone of Seko's caliber. 住在香港,参加的四次马拉松,成绩平均是四小时十五至四小时半,即使在酷热潮湿又不算太平坦的泰国布吉,也只是四小时半;
- Rumor has it that the pre-employee of Shanghai Shen Mei Beverage & Food Ltd was investigated for been suspected of taking bribes as many as ten million, but the spokesman did not answer directly. 有传闻称,此次申美饮料前员工被调查的原因是其涉嫌受贿千万元,行贿方是国内广告商等,但可口可乐亚洲区这位发言人没有给予正面回应。
- Stormtroopers were the elite shock troops of the Galactic Empire, loyal and answerable directly to Emperor Palpatine. 冲锋队是银河帝国的精锐突击部队,只效忠于皇帝帕尔帕廷,并受其直接指挥。
- He answered directly to Son Sen, Pol Pot's interior minister (now dead), and also to Nuon Chea, Pol Pot's second in command (a defendant in a second trial). 他直接对质的有波尔布特的内政部长宋先(现已死亡),波尔布特的二把手农谢(第二轮审判的被告)。
- Stop hedging and answer my question directly! "不要规避,直接回答我的问题!"
- He has a large amount of mail to answer every day. 他每天有大量的信件要回复。
- His answer is just a rehash version of my lecture. 他的回答只不过是把我的讲义重复了一遍。
- The answer of some problems is unskillful. 一些问题的回答是不熟练的。
- I come in answer to your ad for a salesman. 我来应聘售货员的职位。
- He has to reflect on what answer to give. 他得思考一下如何答复。
- I disdained to answer his rude remarks. 我不屑回答他的粗话。
- He is directly responsible for it. 他直接负责那件事。
- His answer was right on the beam. 他的答案完全正确。
- Our teacher boomed out his answer. 我们的老师用低沉的声音作出回答。
- Directly ahead of us is the royal palace. 我们正前方就是皇宫。
- The student murmured the answer with a blush. 那个学生红着脸小声说出了答案。
- I agree but I can't answer for my colleagues. 我同意,但是我不能代表我的同事们。
- Slurping soup directly from the bowl is vulgar. 直接从碗里咕嘟咕嘟地喝汤是粗俗的