- The ship no longer answers the helm. 这条船已不能随舵转向。
- The ship no longer answers the helm . 这条船已不能随舵转向。
- The ship does't answer to the helm. 舵对船不发生作用了。
- The general has taken the helm of the states. 这位将军掌握了国家领导权。
- The ship does not answer to the helm . 舵对船不发生作用了。
- The ship does not answer to the helm. 舵对船不发生作用了。
- How long has the present director been at the helm? 现任主任掌权多久了?
- Will you answer the telephone if it rings? 电话铃声响时请你接电话好吗?
- Answer the following question(s). 回答下列问题。
- I don't think he can answer the question, can he? 我想他无法回答这个问题,是吗?
- She composed herself to answer the letters. 她静下心来写回信。
- The teacher was mortified by his inability to answer the question. 老师因为自己答不出这个问题而感到羞怒。
- We put the helm hard over in an attempt to swerve. 我们把船尽量往一边靠以便转向。
- Gosh! I have only five minutes to answer the rest of the question. 哎呀!要回答其余的问题只剩下五分钟了。
- How long has that man been at the helm? 那人掌权多久了?
- The boy dare not answer the questions because of his stammer. 这个小男孩因为结巴不敢回答老师的问题。
- A period or turn of duty, as at the helm of a ship. (轮值或值班的一班)值班的时间或轮换,如在轮船的舵旁的值班
- He was too lazy to bestir himself even to answer the telephone. 他懒得甚至不愿接电话。
- In the center position. Used of the helm. 在中部在中间部位。用于指舵的中部
- He let a week go by before answering the letter. 他一周以后才回信。