- ant system algorithm (ASA) 蚁群算法
- Ant system algorithm in continuous space optimization 蚁群算法在连续空间寻优问题求解中的应用
- Hybrid Self-Adaptive Ant System Algorithm and Its Application Research 混合自适应蚁群算法及其应用研究
- Improved Ant System Algorithm for Solving Traveling Salesman Problems 一种求解旅行商问题的改进蚁群算法
- An Ant System Algorithm with Random Perturbation Behavior for Complex TSP Problem 求解复杂TSP问题的随机扰动蚁群算法
- MAX_MIN ant system algorithm MAX_MIN蚂蚁算法
- Application of the Max-Min Ant System Algorithm in order-picking rules optimization for a fixed-shelf system Max-Min蚁群算法在固定货架拣选路径优化中的应用
- A new designing method for the optimal PID controller with incomplete derivation is proposed based on ant system and ant algorithm. 以蚁群系统和蚁群算法为基础,提出了一种新的具有不完全微分的最优PID控制器的设计方法。
- Design of lifting scheme wavelet based on multi-population genetic algorithm (GA) and ant system (AS) for effective image compression is proposed. 摘要提出了多种群遗传算法和蚂蚁算法融合的提升格式小波优化设计方法。
- This algorithm overcomes the disadvantage of simple ant colony system algorithm that fails in obtaining global optimized solution caused by arriving at the stagnating state. 5. 应用改进的蚁群算法,克服了简单蚁群算法过早停滞不能获得全局最优解的不足。
- ant system algorithm 蚁群算法
- Pheromones can be thought of as information broadcasted or communicated within the ant system. 信息素可以被看作是蚂蚁系统中的信息传播或通讯工具。
- In this paper, the ant system is used to study the best collocation of cellular automata which can generate vectors with good random. 首先通过使用蚁群算法实现对细胞自动机结构的优化配置,从而产生具有较强随机性的伪随机数序列;
- Fabricio Olivetti de Franca,Fernando J Von Zuben,Leandro Nunes de Castro.A max min ant system applied to the capacitated clustering problem[J]. 万旭;林健良;杨晓伟.;改进的最大_最小蚂蚁算法在有时间窗车辆路径问题中的应用[J]
- In order to improve the performance of Ant System(AS),an improved ant system called Multiple Competitive Ant Sys-tem(MCAS) is proposed. 针对基本蚁群算法(AS)存在的不足,提出了一种同时包含竞争机制和多种寻优规则的混合蚁群算法(MCAS)。
- At the same time, Best-Worst ant system is adopted in order to strengthen the search process guidance and update global pheromone intensity. 引入最优-最差蚂蚁思想来更新全局信息素轨迹的强度,增强搜索过程的指导性。
- Tony White,Bernard Pagurek.ASGA:Improving the Ant System by Integration with Genetic Algorithms [J].Systems and Computer Engineering Carleton University,2001 ,(11). 范辉;华臻.;一类最短路径问题蚂蚁算法求解[J]
- Uses the partner system algorithm to carry on the memory management the original code, may maximum limit avoid the memory fragment, simultaneously enhances the memory allocation efficiency. 采用伙伴系统算法进行内存管理的原码,可以最大限度的避免内存碎片,同时提高内存分配效率。
- Dorigo, M., Maniezzo, V. and Colorni, A., “The ant system: optimization by a colony of cooperating agents,” IEEE Transactions on System, Man,, and Cybernetics-Part B, 26, 1-13, 1996. 侯佳利、民90,组合编码遗传演算法于投资组合及资金分配之应用,中央大学资讯管理所硕士论文。
- The local inversion system algorithms for controlling chaotic oscillators is investigated in this paper. 研究用局部逆系统方法控制混沌。