- Mohammed was the founder of the Muslim religion. 穆罕默德是伊斯兰教的创始人。
- News of the victory produced mass hysteria. 胜利的消息令大众情绪激动万分。
- He renounced his religion and became a Muslim. 他宣布脱离他原来的宗教而成为了一名穆斯林教徒。
- They're completely anti the new proposals. 他们完全反对新的提议。
- Christian and Muslim doctrines are very different. 基督教教义和穆斯林教义极为不同。
- Friday is a holiday in Muslim countries. 在伊斯兰教国家中星期五是假日。
- Crescent is a sign of the Muslim religion. 新月形是伊斯兰教的象征。
- The Muslim delegation is shortly going on a pilgrimage to Mecca. 这个穆斯林代表团很快就要去麦加朝圣了。
- Affected by the vapors; given to spells of hysteria or low spirits. 易忧郁的,忧郁症的被忧郁影响的; 被施加了歇斯底里或情绪低落的咒语的
- Sultan is sovereign ruler of certain Muslim countries. 苏丹是某些穆斯林国家的最高统治者。
- The abnormal, spasmodic swallowing of air, especially as a symptom of hysteria. 吞气症异常的痉挛性吞气,特指歇斯底里的症状
- They have always been anti colonialism. 他们一直是反对殖民主义的。
- His laughter was growing more hysteria now. 现在他的笑声更显得是歇斯底里了。
- There was hysteria in her cry of resentment. 她愤恨的喊声中带有歇斯底里。
- Of, characterized by, or arising from hysteria. 歇斯底里的,癔病的歇斯底里的,有此特征的或由此引起的
- He embraced the Muslim religion. 他信奉伊斯兰教。
- Shall I put some anti freeze in the radiator? 要不要在散热器里注入一些防冻剂?
- In many Muslim countries, the women wear veils. 在许多穆斯林国家,妇女们蒙面纱。
- A note of hysteria crept into her voice. 她的声音听来有点歇斯底里。
- To the Hong Kong Anti Cancer Society. 与香港防癌会。