- Stiffness It is a measure of the bending strength of paper and board. 挺度是衡量纸和纸板耐弯曲的强度性能。
- It was founded that the best bending strength was 422 MPa when aids was 18 wt%. 在助剂含量为18wt%25时,抗弯强度最大为422MPa。
- At transition region,the sea ice bending strength reached the maximum value. 海冰的弯曲强度随着应力速率的增加,经过延性、过渡和脆性三个阶段,在过渡区,海冰的弯曲强度达到最大值。
- Optimum wearresistance,high bending strength and high resistance to bonding. 耐磨性较好、较高温的抗弯强度和抗粘结能力。
- The wood is moderately hard and strong with high bending strength, shear strength and stiffness. 这类木材硬度适中而强壮,具有高度弯曲力、剪力和硬度。
- The Bending strength for concrete bonding was over 7MPa with ester crete-p and 8Mpa with Epcrete-p. 用epcrete p粘合的混凝土试件的抗折强度可达到 8MPa以上 .
- General bone mineral density (GBMD), femur bending strength (FBS), serum-BGP and urine-Hyp/Cr were measured. 进行相应处理后分别测定各组大鼠全身骨矿物密度(GBMD)、右侧股骨抗弯强度 (FBS)和血清骨钙素 (BGP)、尿羟脯氨酸 (U -Hyp)与肌苷 (U -Cr)。
- The hardness of the sintered YT15 alloy was 92 1 HRA and bending strength 1351 9MPa. 烧结后的合金硬度为92 1HRA、横向断裂强度为 135 1 9MPa
- In mFHNR group,TDP &CS had better features than Gamma nail and Jewett nail in anti bent and anti torsion tests(P<0.05). 但在拨钉后组、TDP &CS组在抗弯及抗扭性能上均显著优于Gamma钉和Jewett钉组 (P <0 .;0 5 )。
- The coated twisty blade patterns possesses higher bending strength and hardness than the uncoated ones. 带涂层可熔扭曲叶片模具有更高抗弯强度和硬度,可以适应制芯操作。
- The Izod impact strength, the bending strength and tensile strength were tested. 同时,测试了该材料的冲击强度、弯曲强度和拉伸强度。
- The effect of powder pre-alloying on the hardness and bending strength of diamond tools matrix was studied. 本文通过试验分析研究了铁基粉末预合金化对金刚石工具胎体硬度与抗弯强度的影响。
- When the content of HAP was 20wt%, tensile strength and bending strength were the highest. 而当HAP含量为20%25(质量分数)时,复合材料的拉伸强度和抗弯强度最高。
- Its sinter has high toughness, excellent sintered property and bending strength owing to martensitic transformation. 其烧结体由于马氏转变而具有高的韧性,优良的烧结性能和抗弯强度;
- Bending strength, compressive strength, interfacial bond strength and frost-resistance are also studied and analyzed. 并对修补混凝土的抗折、抗压、新老界面粘结强度以及抗冻性等进行了试验研究。
- This product is adopted high quality steel wires with high bending strength and durableness. 我厂生产的清洁针布,采用优质钢丝,清洁针布一般与刷毛针布及起毛针布配套使用。
- Vinylon fibre can improve the bending strength, fracture energy, fracture toughness and impact toughness. 维尼纶纤维能提高复合材料的杭折强度、断裂能、断裂韧性和冲击韧度;
- Compared with a standard involute gear, the unsymmetric involute gear could efficiently improve the tooth root bending strength by finite element analysis. 对实例的有限元分析表明非对称渐开线齿轮的齿根弯曲强度比对称齿轮有较大提高。
- The density, hardness, bending strength, adhesive strength and ttibogy characteristic of the coating are measured in the test and the practical value is studied. 试验中间测定了涂层的密度,硬度,抗弯强度,结合强度以及摩擦学特性,并着重探讨了实用性。
- The network of green body prepared at pH 10-11 is stable and the maximum of green body bending strength is up to 53.90 MPa. 料浆呈现出剪切变稀特性;在pH值为10-11范围内;成型的坯体网络结构稳定;最大弯曲强度达到53.;90MPa。