- Our Pocket Ashtray and Gum Pouch are reusable anti litter device to help with the problem of chewing gum and cigarette butts. 我们的口袋烟灰缸和口香糖袋是可重复使用的防垃圾装置,以帮助这个问题的口香糖和烟头。
- There was litter strewn all over the pavement. 人行道上到处都是扔的垃圾。
- We should launch an anti porn campaign. 我们应发起扫黄运动。
- His recollection of the campaign is not too clear. 他对竞选的记忆不是那么清楚。
- There were piles of litter in the streets. 街道上垃圾成堆。
- The campaign lasted from June to October. 这次战役从6月进行到10月。
- Our cat has a litter of four kittens. 我们家的猫一窝养了4只小猫。
- Please put your litter in the bin provided. 请你把废物扔到预备好的垃圾箱里。
- I hop you are all geared up for the mew sales campaign. 我希望你们都为新的销售活动做好准备。
- Any person found leaving litter will be prosecuted. 禁扔垃圾,违者必究。
- The advertising campaign is still in preparation. 广告宣传攻势仍在准备中。
- They're completely anti the new proposals. 他们完全反对新的提议。
- There were piles of litter on the streets. 街上有一堆一堆的废弃物。
- His dog hasn't had a litter of puppies. 他的狗还没有生过一窝小狗。
- The governor was attacked by the press for failing to keep a campaign promise. 州长因没能履行一项竞选时的承诺而受新闻界抨击。
- The candidate was unopposed in the campaign. 该候选人在竞选中未遇对手
- Your campaign is gaining ground. 你们的运动不断取得进展。
- He flung himself into the election campaign. 他全力投入竞选运动。
- He wrote all the campaign tracts. 这些竞选传单全是他写的。
- The presidential campaign was in full swing. 总统竞选运动正在全力进行中。