- Fermentation Conditions and Characteristics of Antibiotic Active Substance by Marine Actinomycete HSL-6 海洋放线菌HSL-6抗菌物质的发酵优化与性质研究
- Biological Characteristics of Endophytic Fungi from Moringa sp. On Producing Antibiotic Active Substance 辣木内生真菌产生抗菌物质的生物学特性研究
- Modification of Antibiotic Active Substance Production in Cultural Filtrate of A. Solani 茄交链孢培养滤液中抗菌活性物质产生条件的研究
- antibiotic active substance 抗菌活性物质
- They often contain no active substance, or not enough to work. 他们一般没有实质作用或者没有起到足够的作用.
- Conversion of an optically active substance to a racemic form. 外消旋转化将光学活性物质转化为外消旋形式
- Under the optimum conditions,the content of active substance could reach 40%. 在此条件下合成的产物中活性物含量可达40%25。
- EMEA :Note For Guidance On Chemistry of The New Active Substance, 2003. 中国医药科技出版社,2002,第一版。
- Ciprofloxacin is a fluoroquinolone antibiotic active against S. aureus, P. mirabilis, P. aeruginosa. 环丙沙星 是氟喹诺酮类抗生素积极对金黄色葡萄球菌,奇异变形杆菌,绿脓杆菌。
- Ofloxacin is a fluoroquinolone antibiotic active against S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, P. mirabilis, S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae, M. catarrhalis. 氧氟沙星 是喹诺酮类抗生素积极对金黄色葡萄球菌,绿脓杆菌,奇异变形杆菌,肺炎链球菌,流感阁下先生菌。
- Conclusion: Biological active substance from Hp regulates gene expression through SRE cis-element. 结论:幽门螺杆菌生物活性物质通过顺式转录调控元件SRE调控细胞基因表达。
- Result: The antibiotic active component was methenamine from the basic extraction part of Zantedeshia aethiopica.Conclusion;The compound was firstly separated from Zantedes... 结果与结论:从马蹄莲碱性提取物中,分离并鉴定了抗菌活性化合物为六亚甲基四胺,该化合物系首次从马蹄莲中分离得到。
- The results showed the surface active substance produced by B1and B2 had high endurance to heat, salt and acid. 表明,B1、B2产生的表面活性物质对热、酸和盐具有较强的耐性;
- That company has rights to market the active substance in Sustiva in a number of countries outside the United States. 该公司有权在美国以外的一些国家的市场Sustiva为活动内容。
- Counterfeit drugs are sold under the names of real medicines. They often contain no active substance or not enough to work. 假冒药品用真药品名称出售。他们往往不包含活跃的物质或不能充分工作。
- The antibiotic activity and valency connect with transfer efficiency and dissociation constant. 抗菌活性和抗生素效力与能量转移效率和解离常数有关。
- Auricularia Auricular polysaccharide,a physiological active substance,was very hot recently. 黑木耳多糖作为一种生理活性物质,近年来日益受到人们的重视。
- Florfenicol is a novel antibiotic of chloramphenicols with higher antibiotic activity and extended spectrum. 氟苯尼考(Florfenicol)是新一代动物专用氯霉素类广谱抗生素,抗菌活性及抗菌谱都明显优于甲砜霉素和氯霉素。
- The antibiotic activity of gelatin-chitosan-chlorhexidine acetate membranes increase when chlorhexidine acetate add. 抑菌实验表明,醋酸氯己啶的加入提高了膜的抑菌性能。
- "Xanthohumol has been shown to be a very active substance against cancer," says Dr.Markus Herrmann, also of Munich. 同时也是来自慕尼黑的MarkusHerrmann博士说:“黄腐粉显示有非常积极的对抗癌症的物质。