- anticus reflex or sign 胫前肌反射或征, 即叩打胫骨前方肌肉时, 引起足背曲和外展动作者, 见于锥体束疾病, 与piotrowsk's sign相同
- A sudden reflexive or spasmodic muscular movement. 抽搐,痉挛突然反射或痉挛的肌肉运动
- Do you want to pay cash or sign the bill? 您是付现金还是在账单上签字?
- Flat tempered borosilicate glass, reflex or transparent type gauge glasses shall only be used when approved by SECCO. 经过热处理的硼硅酸盐平面玻璃、反射的或透明类型的玻璃液位计应只在赛科批准后使用。
- Black pepper also balances the stomach acids when ingested and may be useful to those with acid reflex or indigestion. 当食用时黑胡椒也平衡胃部酸液,可以对那些有酸反射或消化不良的人们有帮助。
- "Even when they're very tiny, they have an intact thirst reflex or a drive to drink," Dr. “虽然婴儿很小,但也有一套完整的口渴反射系统和饮水的原始动力。
- The recipients' mail address should not include any comma, semicolon or sign. 收咭人电邮不可包含逗号、分号或符号。
- Mark or sign in the form of a long line left by sth. Or sb. Passing by. 我们最后失去了线索。
- People do not need a Windows Live ID account to log on or sign in to a service. 人们无需使用Windows Live ID帐户登录或注册服务。
- "A gained reflex or a good oriented sight, is to Argentina where all the glares are at", wrote today "L'Equipe", sending the darkness and worriness to the Argentine sport again. 纳尔班迪安并非“不在乎”,他想表达的其实是,四大满贯赛事中的任何一个,他都有能力夺得冠军。
- Tumor AMF appears in sera before detection of solid tumor or sign of ascites. 带瘤动物在可见的实体瘤及腹水症象(腹水瘤)出现以前血清AMF就呈阳性。
- Application: wide material sheets cutting; embossment or sign board making. 适用范围:较大幅面的面块切割,大型浮雕和标牌的制作。
- A person who writes or signs a memorial. 请愿书起草或署名人
- Join YouTube for a free account, or sign in if you are already a member. 其实叠出来一点也不好.;对衣服没有什么好处
- Follicles 2, samaroid, reflexed or horizontal, obtuse. 蓇葖果2,翅果状,反折的或水平,钝。
- To predict according to present indications or signs; foretell. 预言根据当前的暗示或现象预测;预言
- The combination of factors, symptoms, or signs of a disease or disorder that forms a syndrome. 综合症状形成综合病症的全部因素、病症、或疾病或失调外在表象的综合特征
- Sepals triangular, reflexed or rarely erect in fruit, apex acute or subobtuse. 在果期的萼片三角形,反折的或很少直立,先端锐尖的或微钝。
- To predict according to present indications or signs;foretell. 预言根据当前的暗示或现象预测;预言
- Apex of bracts rounded, with an acute cusp, usually reflexed or recurved. 圆形的苞片,具一锐尖的尖突,通常反折或下弯的先端。