- Separation of Antimony and Gold in a Carlin-type Gold Deposit 某卡林型金矿锑金分离试验研究
- antimony and gold deposit 锑金矿床
- Metallogenic Characteristics and Genetic Model of Antimony and Gold Deposits in South Tibetan Detachment System 藏南拆离系锑金成矿特征与成因模式
- A Observation of Sub -Microgold in We st Xiang Tungsten Antimony and Gold Deposits by Using Analytic Elec tronic Microscope 湘西钨锑金矿床黄铁矿中次显微金的分析电镜观测
- Study of genetic relationshipbetween dikes and gold orebodies in Kubusu gold deposit in east Junggar. 东准噶尔库布苏金矿床岩脉与金矿成因关系的研究。
- Puqing antimony and gold orefield 普睛锑金矿区
- The element content analysis of regional strata and gold ore confirms that the source bed of Yangshan gold deposit is Devonian Sanhekou formation. 通过对阳山地区区域地层成矿元素含量及阳山金矿各类矿石元素含量分析,确定泥盆系三河口组地层为阳山金矿床的矿源层。
- Nickel, cobalt and palladium electrodeposits used as barrier layer between copper basis and gold deposit can effectively reduce migration of copper atom to gold upper deposit. 以镍、钴、钯镀层作为铜基体镀金的防渗铜中间层可以有效地防止铜原子扩散到金属表面。
- Microspherulites were commonly found in man made placer samples of bed rocks from the different stratigraphic units and gold orebodies in the Hatu gold deposit,Xinjiang. 采自新疆哈图金矿区各地层单元和含矿脉体中的基岩人工重砂样品普遍含有一种“微球粒”物质。
- Copper and gold are both metals. 铜和金都是金属。
- The color scheme of the room is blue and gold. 这个房间的色彩配置是蓝色和金黄色。
- Through comprehensive analysis of regional geological and structural characteristics,and gold geochemical anormaly,guidance for further prospecting gold deposit in this area is put forward. 通过对该区区域地质和构造特征以及金地球化学异常特征分析,提出了进一步找矿方向。
- Find out where uranium, sulfur aluminum, iron, halite and gold deposits are located. 看看那里的铀,硫,铝,铁,岩盐,金矿床的所在地。
- The lamprophyre and gold deposits are the results of the coupling of tectono-magmatic activity for a long time. 煌斑岩与金矿是长期的区域构造活动、岩浆活动事件耦合作用的产物。
- The hall looked splendid in green and gold. 大厅里金碧辉煌。
- Copper and gold deposits in Zhongdian, northwest of Yunnan, are mainly mineralized during Indo Chinese and Himalayan epochs respectively. 滇西北中甸地区的铜、金矿产,分别以印支期和喜马拉雅期作为主成矿期。
- Inexplicable splendor of Ionian white and gold. 爱奥尼亚的皎洁与金色的辉煌。
- The gold deposits in Uzbekistan may be divided into 4 industrial genetic types: gold quartz, gold sulfide quartz, gold sulfide and gold silver quartz types. 乌兹别克斯坦的内生金矿床主要有 4个工业 -成因类型 :金 石英型、金 硫化物 石英型、金 硫化物型和金 银 石英型。
- The metallogeny of silver and gold deposits in the region was controlled by stratum, structure and the activities of magmatic or metamorphic hydrothermal fluid. 区内银、金矿的成矿受地层、构造、岩浆热液(或变质热液)活动控制。
- Foreign currency and gold reserves were drained. 外汇和黄金储备日益枯竭。