- anular pancreas 环状胰
- The pancreas is an elongated, whitish gland. 胰脏是一个细长形的白色腺体。
- The pancreas can produce substances which help in the digestion of food. 胰脏能产生助消化的物质。
- There are about 1.5 million islets is the pancreas. 胰腺里大约有一百五十万个胰岛。
- Insulin is secreted by the pancreas. 胰岛素是胰腺分泌的。
- Surgical removal of all or part of the pancreas. 胰切除术全部或部分切除胰腺
- The pancreas is the organ that produces insulin. 胰岛是制造胰岛素的器官。
- Less commonly the pancreas is involved. 胰腺很少受累。
- The pancreas began churning out insulin. 胰腺开始产生胰岛素。
- I didn't even know what a pancreas was. 我当时甚至不知道胰脏究竟是什么。
- Anular incision technique on the strenth of the healing intervertebral Disc. 纤维环切口方式与椎间盘愈合强度的实验性研究。
- Most cells of the pancreas produce digestive enzymes. 胰腺的大部分细胞产生酶。
- Duodenun is joined to the liver and to the pancreas by ducts. 十二指肠通过导管与肝和胰相连。
- Pancreas underutilization appears to be an ongoing issue. 供体胰腺没有充分利用的问题依然存在。
- No nere ingrowth into the needle track lesion at the anular puncture site was obsered. 我们没有观察到任何神经长入环状穿刺针孔灶处的迹象。
- From1998 to2005, we performed205 pancreas transplantations. 从1998年至2005年,我们共进行205例胰腺移植。
- There are about 1. 5 million islets is the pancreas. 胰腺里大约有一百五十万个胰岛。
- Surgical treatments of endocrine tumors of the pancreas. 胰腺内分泌肿瘤的外科治疗。
- Duodenum is joined to the liver and to the pancreas by ducts. 十二指肠通过导管与肝和胰相连。
- These data also suggest discordance between discographic indicators and other evidence confirming anular damage. 这一研究也表明了椎间盘影像学和其他关于环破裂的证据的不一致性。