- anxiety over life 生命焦虑
- The greenback is also suffering anxiety over US credit and mortgage markets. 此外,外界对于美国信贷和按揭市场的担忧也对美元产生了影响。
- The greenback is also suffering anxiety over US creditmortgage markets. 此外,外界对于美国信贷和按揭市场的担忧也对美元产生了影响。
- A sort of halo, an occidental glow, came over life then. 那时候,就有一种祥光,一片晚霞,在生活上,笼罩缭绕。
- Hiding your face with tears, and over life, you sigh! 含泪遮面笑人生!
- There ought to be less anxiety over the perceived risk of getting cancer than exists in the public mind today. 人们对所察觉到的患癌症的危险性的忧虑应当比目前存在于公众心目中的忧虑要少。
- Anxiety over functions and formulas is ever-present.Slicing a grilled-cheese sandwich diagonally, I find myself pondering the length of the hypotenuse. 想要记住函数和公式的焦虑无时不在,当我用刀斜切一个烤好的奶酪三明治时,会忍不住想去计算直角三角形的斜边长度。
- We cooked the steek over live coals. 我们在煤火上烧牛排。
- The bonuses have crystallized public anxiety over the economic downturn and frustration at the government bailouts, creating a firestorm for the White House. 奖金问题坐实了公众对经济低迷的不安和对政府救助的失望,让白宫的处境雪上加霜。
- In an apparent reflection of Chinese anxiety over its reputation in Africa, embassies and companies have been urged by Beijing to forge closer links to local communities. 显而易见,在非洲建立威望的热切愿望之下,北京力促大使馆和企业与当地组织缔结起更亲密的联系。
- But there are plenty of subtextual messages of discontent, and these probably make this book as good an indicator as any of popular anxiety over the rise of China. 然而,书中有大量表达不满的潜台词,这意味着,在中国崛起的问题上,本书可能成为显示公众忧虑的又一个指标。
- We cooked the steak over live coals. 我们在燃烧着的炭上煎牛排。
- In addition to anxiety over North Korea's missile and nuclear programs, Japan also expressed concern after China shot down a satellite last month with a ballistic missile. 除了忧虑北朝鲜的导弹计划及核计划之外,日本也对中国上个月使用弹道导弹击落一颗卫星表示出担心。
- But in this twilight world which is neither at peace nor at war, and where there is insurance against certain immediate, downright, personal disasters, for most Americans there remains only anxiety over what may happen, might happen, could happen. [原译]但是;在这个既非和平又非战争的;扑朔迷离的世界里;在这个对个人的飞来横祸都有着保险的地方;因为那里的大多数美国人只存在唯一的忧虑;那就是有可能发生什么事;或许会发生什么事;万一会发生什么事.
- Some people say: one can have a plain, but not mediocre, could be among many people on earth are over life, they have been a worthwhile afterlife. 有人说:人可以拥有平淡,但是不可以平庸,可尘世间很多人都是庸庸碌碌过一生,他们一样不枉来世一遭。
- Here, from the experts, are some suggestions for gaining control over life's hassles in order to have time for the pleasures. 根据专家们的一些建议,尽量避免生活中发生争吵以便有更多的时间来娱乐.
- In Jainism, a savior who has succeeded in crossing over life's cycle of rebirths and has made a path for others to follow. 印度耆那教名词,指已渡过生死轮迴并为他人开辟得救之途的救世主。
- Outwardly the malfunction appears to be over life natural of devises.If it was true that is precisely what you are incapable of doing, because our budget has cut it down. 从表面上看这故障表现为器件老化所致,如真的这样,这恰是我们不能所能及的事,因为今年预算已削减了该项。
- I went over to Brazil in my anxiety to succeed. 我怀着要成功的渴赴巴西。
- The belief,based solely on reason,in a God who created the universe and then abandoned it,assuming no control over life,exerting no influence on natural phenomena,and giving no supernatural revelation. 自然神论以理性为基础的神学理论,认为上帝创造了世界后就抛弃了它,不再支配生命,不再向自然现象施加影响力,也不再给超凡的启示。