- any digital subscriber link 任何数字用户线
- High bit-rate Digital Subscriber Link 高速率数字用户链路
- High-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Link LT 高比特率数字用户链路
- very high digital subscriber link 极高速数字用户线
- rate adaptive digital subscriber link 速率自适应数字用户链路
- High-data-rate Digital Subscriber Link 高位速率数字用户链路传输协议
- Any Digital Subscriber Line 任何数字用户线
- DSS2 Digital Subscriber Signaling system No. 2号数字用户信令系统。
- digital subscriber link modem 数字用户线调制解调器
- The network interface uses a Multirate Digital Subscriber Line. 网络接口使用多速率数字用户线路。
- For carriers insisting on clinging to copper, a compromise solution is taking shape in which the latest DSL (digital subscriber line) technology serves as the last link. 对那些无法舍弃铜质电缆的业者来说,折衷办法正在渐渐成形:以新近的数位用户线(DSL)技术来完成最终的连结。
- In the examples above, the expression matches any digit character in the ninth position except 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. 在上面的示例中,表达式在第九个位置匹配1、2、3、4或5之外的任何数字字符。
- Productive users are happy users, and customers with productive, happy users are the goal of any digital product manufacturer. 工作有效率的用户是满意的用户,让用户有效率和满意是任何数字产品制造商的目标。
- Very high bit rate Digital Subscribers Line. 超高速对称型数字用户专线。
- Create, Buy & Sell custom wall art from any digital file including members and leading publishers. 创建,购买与出售自订墙艺术从任何数字文件,包括成员和领导出版商。
- Software (and any digital product that relies on software) has a behavioral face it shows to the world that is created by the programmer or designer. 软件(以及其他任何依赖于软件的数字产品)有一个行为外表,它告诉世界,软件是由程序员或者设计者创造的。
- Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) - Technology using copper-wire telephone networks to provide high-speed Internet connections through a DSL modem. 数字用户专线-使用铜线电话网通过DSL调制解调器提供高速因特网连结的技术。
- V5 interface is the digital interface between digital subscriber transmission system and the local exchanger(LE). V5接口是数字用户传输系统和本地交换机(LE)之间的数字接口,其应用在目前电力通信接入网建设中具有现实意义。
- Due to not modifying any digital data in original image, resolved the traditional problem between robust and imperceptivity or security. 该方案不对原始图像数据作任何修改,使得传统意义水印的稳健性、安全性和不可感知性之间的矛盾用一种特殊的方法得到了解决。
- The technology of DSL (Digital Subscriber Lines) arises at the hvstoric moment under this kind of circumstances. 在这种情况下,数字用户线(DSL)技术就应运而生。