- Will he attempt any individual vengeance? 他还打算搞任何个人报复吗?
- None - Do not collect any individual timing values. “None”-不收集任何单个计时值。
- Any individual is a member of the collective. 个人是集体的一分子。
- Does your factory has any individual requests during cleaning? 贵公司目前在清洗上遇到的问题是什么?
- Specify the totals for any individual column in this view. 指定此视图中任一单独栏的汇总。
- However, time just pass.Being unmerciful to any individual life. 时间是心中的一滴水,干涸,那是随即而至的解构过程。
- It can be practiced by any individual anywhere, at anytime. 任何的一个人在任何地方,任何时侯都可以练习。
- Choosing a domain is a major step for any individual or organization. 对任何个人和团体来说,选择域名是非常重要的一步。
- She was determined to do good, not to any individual person but to a country. 他决心为国家而不是为任何个人做好事。
- This results in a decreased chance for any individual graduate to find a job. 这样的结果是下降的机会对任何个人毕业找到工作。
- I do not want this great cause to be weakened by even a semblance of any personal advantage to any individual. 我不愿意这一伟大的事业因此而被削弱,仅仅因为我个人表面上有着某些优于他人之处。
- Is the entire process not under the control of any individuals? 每项工作的整个过程有否引入适当的分工?
- While changes are often resisted, they are nonetheless necessary for any individual, organization and society to improve and progress. 改变总是阻力重重的,不过对任何个人、机构或社会来说,要改进和向前发展就得经过这一关。
- Any individual who has a grievance against the government can apply to it for help. 凡蒙受政府冤屈的个人都可以申请保护。
- They will have access to all then normal programs on your machine without being able to access any individual's user area. 他们将拥有你计算机上所有正常程序的通路,但不可能进入任何个人的使用者区域。
- It is quite possible to conceive of a legal system in which any individual could bring suit to halt any government action that violated the law. 可以设想这样一种法律体系,在这个法律体系中,任何个人可以通过起诉来终止任何违犯环境法的政府行为。
- Not only is the amount in excess of the maximum sum the bank can loan any individual legally, but it is absolutely without indorsement or security. 问题不仅在于数目超过了银行发放私人贷款的最高限额,而且既无担保,又无抵押。
- Tax official: the temporary absence means that any individual has left china for less than 30 days at a time or for less than 90 days at several times. 税务局:指一次性离境不超过30天,多次离境累计不超过90天。
- Any individual or corporation who wants to possess a secure name or location needs to register their own domain name. 任何人或公司若想在互联网上有自己的一个确定的名称或位置,应尽快进行域名登记。
- A country must have the will to repel any invader. 一个国家得有决心击退任何入侵者。