- Has anybody ever seen any beings from outer space? 有人见到过外星人吗?
- These creatures were believed to have come from outer space. 据信这种生物来自外太空。
- It looks as if she had just come back from outer space. 她看起来彷佛刚从外太空回来似的。
- We read stories concerning visitors from outer space. 我们读了关於天外来客的故事。
- Maybe the earth has been visited by intelligent creatures from outer space. 也许太空的智慧生物已经访问过地球。
- 5 At the center of almost every snow crystal is a tiny mote of dust, which can be anything from volcanic ash to a particle from outer space. 5几乎每个雪晶的中心都是一个微小的尘埃颗粒,它可能是从火山灰到外太空颗粒的一切东西。
- Why have we had no visitors from outer space yet? 那么我们为什么还未见到外层空间来访的客人呢?
- Unidentified flying object from outer space. 从外层空间来的不明飞行物体。
- Are you from outer space or something? 你是从外太空来的吗?(你好奇怪喔!)
- Ever try to track a sparrow from outer space? 你有没有试过在外太空追踪一只麻雀?
- The radio beam came from outer space. 这个无线电波束来自外太空。
- Jon:Vegetarian aliens from outer space! 外太空来的素食者来了!
- The man claimed that he had seen travelers from outer space, but he was laughed out of court. 这个人声称见到了外星人,但是他受到了人们的嗤笑。
- anything from outer space 来自太空的任何东西
- We gather up from outer space various information by our Satellite. 我们通过卫星从外层空间收集到各种信息。
- The earth is continually bombarded by particles from outer space. 地球不断地受到来自外层空间的粒子的轰击。
- We've received a large amount of information from outer space. 我们已从外层空间收到了大量的信息。
- We read stories concerningvisitors from outer space. 我们读了关于天外来客的故事。
- Just imagine aliens from outer space came to our planet. 想象一下,外星人来到了我们的地球。
- He was a hero who could defeat any enemy from outer space. 他是一位可以击退来自外太空的任何敌人的英雄。